My mother’s cross-stitch projects — Part 3

A conversation between my sister and diem3 had me remember the photos I snapped of my mother’s cross-stitch projects.

I should clarify . . . in Part 1<<link, I identified her work as needlepoint, but it’s cross-stitch. I corrected that in Part 2<<link, but I repeat it here.

OK, cross-stitch . . . here’s a description (LINK) and here’s a bit of history (LINK) and some stitches (LINK).

The last cross-stitch post had mostly Christmas related projects . . . . not this time . . .

Again, it might be helpful to step back from the screen to appreciate the picture. Up close, you can see the stitches.

Here, let me help . . .

The rest of today’s photos are of birds . . . cross-stitch birds. Here’s the gallery with both large and small versions of the projects.:

Meet the artist

That’s my mother, posing with one of the pieces showcased in Part 1<<link, of this series.

I don’t often speak of my family other than in passing but know I get my sense of humor from my mother, as well as a desire for knowledge, my enjoyment of reading, music, fiction, and movies.

Our tastes have diverged over the years, but she laid the foundation for what I appreciate in life. Her name is Nives (Italian form of NIEVES, meaning “snow” in Spanish).

As for all my bad traits, those I developed on my own.

Readers might remember this piece from the previous post . . .

I have a photo of the piece in a frame, but I can’t find it. I mean, I know I snapped the photo, but somehow, it’s hiding from me. I have a photo I got from my sister that I can share, and if I ever come across my version of it, I’ll add it here.

The piece looks very nice in the frame.

And here’s my mother working on it . . .

If my eyes are not playing tricks on me, I’ll take credit for mounting that craft stand onto a stable platform.

Here is the pattern for the piece with the threads used for the project . . . Note: clicking on the photo will open a 4MB original for them who want to see details of the threads.

Here’s a gallery of the above works:

If you want to see details, the SmugMug gallery is at this LINK.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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14 thoughts on “My mother’s cross-stitch projects — Part 3

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  1. Wow! Great post. I love mom’s photo! I need to add these to my collection of photos since I don’t have any of mom working on her cross stitch nor of her projects. Thanks for this post. It’s beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Louise. I don’t normally post photos of people, but some people wonder if I actually had a mother, and others wonder if I was spawned in some dark and evil corner, so this might put their minds at ease.

      Seriously, it’s nice to showcase her work; she’s very good at it and so many other things and she deserves the recognition.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So sweet! I actually learned to cross stitch as a child from my mother. Come to think of it, I still have an unfinished tiger I started many years ago sitting in a drawer, lol. I don’t find myself with much time to cross stitch, but maybe one of these days I’ll finish it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You have mother’s heartfelt gratitude for showcasing her work and mine for recognizing the creativity of your sisters as well. Here’s a quote that deeply resonates with me:

    “He who works with his hands is a laborer.
    He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
    He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”
    — St. Francis of Assisi


    1. Maybe this could apply to that:
      “Do you see a man skillful in his work?
      He will stand before kings;
      he will not stand before obscure men.”


  4. OH! What an honor to meet your mom! She is beautiful! Her name is beautiful! Her smile bright, sparkly, and beautiful…like a newly fallen snow.
    I am sitting here with joy-tears in my eyes.
    Each piece she has created is infused with her artistry, her dedication, her hard work, and her love! All of these you shared are wonderful…I especially love the birds!
    (((HUGS))) to you and to your Mom!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I passed your comments along to my mother and her beautiful blue eyes are sparkling with gratitude for your wonderful words!

      Liked by 1 person

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