Still pining for “M” stories votes

The Alphabet Challenge M-Stories voting has stagnated . . . Yes, it sometimes gets a second wind near the end, but why wait?

If you’ve not already done so, you can read the stories and cast your vote for your favorite of the three. Links to the stories and the poll for voting for “Alphabet Challenge M-Stories” are HERE.<<<Link

Here are a few photos reworked and presented as a thank you for your participation . . .

That’s from the Old Kona Airport on the Big Island.

These versions were processed using Topaz Studio 1.0 with the Impression 2.0 and Restyle (Topaz Labs) plugins.

Ah, the good ole days of eating breakfast at the Hawaiʻian Style Cafe . . . it may not look like it, but those pancakes are as large as frisbees, and you get a couple of them.

Pretty much, wherever you go in Hawaiʻi, the vegetation offers up a photo-op. This was treated to a bit of Da Vinci sketch processing.

In a yard near Volcano Village . . . which is near Volcano Nation Park . . . and also near where the caldera’s floor dropped a few hundred feet after coughing up a few boulders and lots of ash.

You can see the full-size photos in the SmugMug Gallery HERE.<<<Link

I know some (mighty few) people miss my long posts . . . apparently, THIS POST<<link from 2017 was one of the better ones. Make sure you hit the bathroom before you start in on it.

Or, you could read THIS POST<<link where I dumped nearly my entire collection of unpublished Deep Dream efforts.

Side Note: it’s occasionally sad to revisit these posts because I come across comments from people that have since passed away. There are two such people on that post; Tedious Ted and ElBob, both people I considered friends. In the case of Tedious Ted, that comment was five months before he unexpectantly died from medical complications. Unfortunately, I didn’t find out until four fourteen months after that, when his girlfriend contacted me. (Edited to Add: TT, whose name was Roar and lived in Norway, passed away in Feb. 2018, and I didn’t hear about it until June of 2019.) It’s one of the reasons I want to have a “goodby post” at the ready. And lest people think it’s not needed, we should all remember that each and every one of us can be gone at a moment’s notice. This is not meant to depress, but rather to help people consider the preciousness of the time we have. And with that . . . 

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it’s copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website. Could be they also torture small mammals.


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5 thoughts on “Still pining for “M” stories votes

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  1. Color-full post . . . and a great (but somewhat sad) reminder to live life to its fullest . . . every day! Living (I’m breathing, therefore I still am-ing), laughing (lots to laugh about if I look for it), and loving (looking beneath the surface, mostly negative, mind-chatter to find my deeper inner peace and love).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Carolyn.

      There are now four bloggers I miss due to them shedding their mortal forms . . . and that I only knew through their blogs.

      For two, I had time to prepare . . . two were sudden and shocking (not an exaggeration).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I have 3, including Brian.
        Two of mine would e-mail with me. I knew them for eons on here (WP) and when we were on Xanga (before Xanga changed and charged $ etc. 😦 ) And one lady even exchanged snail-mail with me. She battled cancer. I do miss her.


      2. Yes, ElBob, Colonialist, Tedious Ted, and roughseasinthemed . . . the last two were much younger than the first two, who also had health issues they were contending with.

        Edited to add: with all four, I had ongoing email exchanges outside the blogosphere, as well as frequent and sometimes animated discussions on our respective blogs.

        There are a few others who suddenly stopped posting, and one always wonders . . .


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