Round 6 Title Stories voting reminder plus Note 20 photos

The voting for Round 6 of the Title Writing Prompt Challenge closes at Noon, Tuesday, September 6th. If you are interested in reading the stories and voting, or if you’ve read the stories and have yet to vote, there’s no time like the present.

You can find the poll and stories links in THIS post, and also — as a service to lazy readers — the stories, with their associated blurbs, linked below.

As mentioned in the last reminder post, both Perry and Gary wrote pretty good stories, and their heated votes battle reflects that fact. Of course, it would be nice if readers made a point of reading all our stories, but I’m suggesting their Round 6 stories are worth the effort. Mine? Nah.

E. J. D’Alise submission<<link
Edwina never dreamed she’d have to defend her choice. Now, she’s doing just that in justifying her antinatalism view.

Perry Broxson submission<<link
Jack, recently divorced, starts his second act. He finds a great new lady, only to lose her…inexplicably, to suicide. He has to know why, why, why she took her life. But that information will cost him dearly.

R. G. Broxson submission<<link
What makes a family uproot and risk everything for a new life? Follow a boy from Honduras as he and his mother and unborn sister make the treacherous journey to the land of opportunity. It won’t be easy. Hot on their heels is Satan, a ruthless gang banger that can’t afford to let them testify against him. Will they survive? Read and see.

Now, then . . . . Samsung Note 20 Ultra. I’ve not been posting many of the photos I snap, other than the results of me using Photoshop Mix and Paper Artist.

But, today, I share photos from April. Not all, mind you, but some.

I begin with a panorama of the Southern Illinois University Campus lake.

I happened to have spent a fair amount of time around that lake. Sometimes walking with Melisa, sometimes fishing, sometimes riding my bike, and sometimes just sitting. I was surprised to learn that bikes are no longer allowed on the paved path that goes around the lake.

Why was I there so much? Well, to the right of that first photo . . .

That is the SIU Engineering Building. If I remember correctly, it was originally designed for a campus in a warmer climate. I mention that because the outer hallways are open. To get from one class to another, you had to go outside. Bad in August, and bad in the Winter.

From around the same spot as the panorama, a view of the dorms across the lake. I don’t think we ever ventured there. Thompson Woods was like a foreign country, and not one we were inclined to visit.

Here’s a view of the engineering building from another spot around the lake. Behind those squares are the outside hallways to get from one side of the building to the other.

The low building in front is a boat rental. You could rent canoes, rowboats, and paddle boats. I think we did that just once. There’s also a small beach there which I know we never used.

The above photo is a zoom from this location . . .

Yes, the native zoom of the Note 20 is pretty good. To the left is a better view of the dorms mentioned above, and to the right, you can see the spot where I took the photo with the log in the foreground.

They have redone parts of the path, improving it and adding access points from the roads that border the lake. Some of the places look nice while others detract from the natural beauty of the place. They’ve also added exercise stations along the first half of the path. The second half of the path goes through those dorms and more congested areas before coming back around to the Engineering building.

If anyone wonders, I have no particular affinity, loyalty, or interest in the school, even though they keep trying to get us to join the alumni association. I paid them money, they gave me a degree, and I consider our association ended.

. . . but it’s amazing how they find us regardless of where we move. And no, I’ve no desire to visit the engineering building. I rarely look back; life moves forward, and so do I.

The day we were there (as I mentioned, in April), the weather was pretty good, but the day was a bit blah; not quite gray, not quite clear. Hence, the photos are a bit ‘meh!’ . . . but I can fix that. Enter Luminar AI . . .

Here are two more, and we’ll call it quits . . .

Not striking enough? How about this?

I could have added a giraffe, but that would have been overdoing it, I think.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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