Where does the time go and a “V” stories voting reminder

Wow . . . just yesterday we had the beginning of the new year, and it’s now the second day already! These days are going by so fast it’ll make your head spin, and before you know it, BAM! . . . the year will be over.

Not to mention, only three days left to vote for your favorite of the “V” stories. I mean, just yesterday, there were four days left, and now one day has disappeared. Poof! Gone.

If you’ve already voted for a favorite story, the writers thank you. If you haven’t voted, did I mention there are only three days left? Links to the stories and the poll for voting for “Alphabet Challenge V-Stories” are HERE(link) Votes will be accepted until  Noon (Central Time) on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.

Again, I’m looking back a few years for these photos . . . .

This was taken in the parking lot of the Costco in Kailua Kona, on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi.

If you visit Hawaiʻi, you’re likely to see free-range chickens in each of the islands. And these are truly free-range, as in “roaming around pretty much throughout the islands” (but not at the higher elevations, at least not that I’ve seen).

Legend has it the freely roaming chickens escaped from a Kentucky Fried Chicken research laboratory when a particularly clever rooster figured out how to peck the combination code of the facility’s electronic lock.

To this day, you can observe chickens pecking at the ground in homage to their liberator. 

Other people maintain the chickens got loose when various hurricanes damaged their confinement structures and that pecking is just something chickens do naturally.

Crazy how people come up with seemingly rational explanations to replace what is obviously the truth!

There are no natural predators keeping chickens in check (other than humans, cats, dogs, and mongooses), so in some places, they can be quite numerous.

“Old Color” – P900 Photo

You can think of chickens as tough cookies when it comes to surviving in the wild . . . Imagine how fierce they would be if they had proper arms!

This LINK will take you to the SmugMug gallery that has the full-size versions of the above and also photos in recent reminder posts.

Oh . . . I should link a few old posts just to flesh out this offering . . . how about THIS<<link and THIS<<link to posts that showcase monochrome photos?

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it’s copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website. Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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6 thoughts on “Where does the time go and a “V” stories voting reminder

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  1. This is an egg-cellent excuse to start clucking wildly about all the reasons I am eggs-olutely crazy about chicks and chickens! Reason number one is because I love eggs! But this is only scratching the surface!

    Seriously, I do miss chickens. One of my most memorable experiences, while living in Italy, was the enjoyment of having and hearing chickens in the yard. And they never gave me any weird looks when I did the chicken dance!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Had we stayed in Hawaiʻi, it’s likely we might have had chickens (they eat the poisonous centipedes) . . . unless we lived in town.

      The chickens we had in Italy (Zugliano, when I was young) are some of the few clear memories I have of back then, mostly because I got attached to them and it was stressful when it came time to eat them.

      Who knows, we may yet live someplace where we’ll decide to raise chickens.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Poultry in motion!
    I love watching chickens and I love eating their eggs!
    These are wonderful photos! And HAHAHAHAHAHA! on the comics!
    I’m sure you’ve seen the Gary Larsen Boneless Chicken Ranch…that one always cracks me up, too.
    Yes, I’m easily cracked.
    Recently, we saw a silly soap opera-y 15 minute mini movie about Col. Sanders called “A Recipe for Seduction”. It’s probably on YouTube by now. We laughed through it.
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m punless at this moment. I’m sure it will come to me later.

      Yes, I am familiar with the boneless ranch cartoon.

      Eggs are one of the few things I can cook and actually get creative with. I’ll have to check out the movie short, but meantime, for readers who don’t know how to search:

      Thanks, Carolyn.

      Liked by 1 person

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