Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park

This is a bit late but . . . eleven months ago, I visited the Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park. Here’s the weird thing . . . I have fewer photos than I remember taking. I am sure — sure, I tell you — that I snapped photos of the shallow lagoon where people go and swim and snorkel in waters protected by a rock barrier. If we ever do go swimming while here, that place ranks high on our list of possible immersion sites. 

Be that as it may, let me share what photos I do have. 

This looks HUGE . . . but it’s only three or four inches tall and sits atop a natural fence by the visitor center to the park (something else I neglected to photograph). I was on my own for about an hour and a half while Melisa was at an appointment. 

Braving the heat — and lugging my 15+ pounds of pre-P900 photo equipment — I stepped onto the unpaved Ala Mauka Makai path to the Ala Kahakai path leading to the beach and the Aiopio Fish Trap. Little did I know that I could have parked at the marina and taken the much shorter Kiʻi Pohaku path and saved me about a half mile of walking in the hot sun amid black lava fields. Here’s the walking I did for these shots. 

At the far end of my walk, I got a message that Melisa was getting done early, so I had to double-time it back the way I came. By the time I got back to the car, I was drenched. I should have checked the map ahead of time. 

At least for a short while — near the shore — there was some cover.

Also, a number of dead tree trunks — something that always captures my attention. 

I clearly saw the goat face, but some might miss it. 

I even saw a flower; yes, only one . . . but I took two photos of it. The other is in the gallery at the end. 

Now, the identification has this flower being of the Guava plant . . . but the leaves don’t look the same, so I don’t know what to make of it. 

Edited To Add: my thanks to WandaFaye for the correct identification of the above as a passion flower

Once I got to the shore, I got lucky . . . 

That is a Brant goose. While not rare here, they are uncommon, so I consider myself lucky to have seen it. 

But, I was actually here for these . . . 

Yes, turtles, but not just any turtles . . . 

Honu is a big part of Hawaiʻian culture. Depictions of the turtle can be found all around the islands and go back all the way to petroglyphs carved onto lava. It’s typically depicted something like this . . . 

Obviously, not always in those colors. 

I’ll add a few more shots from the series, but the rest will be in the gallery. 

I always have the polarizer filter with me . . . and seldom remember to use it. It would have been useful for the underwater shots. 

It would also have removed some of the shine from the shell so as to better see the pattern. 

Anyway, that was it for my visit to the park. I’ve been meaning to go back there, but you know how time-consuming resting can be. One of these days . . . 

For new readers, all of the photos are linked to larger versions (1280 pxls for the longest dimension); click on a photo and the larger version will open in a new window or tab. The originals can be seen in SmugMug HERE.

Here’s the gallery of the above photos.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

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27 thoughts on “Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park

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    1. Ah. Thank you. I used to do that . . . be thorough in my searches. But after checking two books on Hawaiʻian flowers, I contemplated my remaining lifespan and just went for what was close. Actually, I checked three online sources I use; I’ll now add your link to them.

      I spent good money for them books and so far — other than for common flowers — they’ve yet to help me out of a tough spot.

      Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Those sea turtles look like they know something we don’t know. Possibly quite a few things we don’t know, for that matter. As always, great photographs….they make me almost feel I’m there.


    1. Thanks, Sandra. As far as what they know, the write-up says they’ve been swimming the oceans for the last 2,500 years . . . It could be that they’re mostly tired, now.

      But, yes, they’ve probably seen things we’ve yet to see.


  2. The shallow lagoon doesn’t exist if there are no pictures. At least that’s what I’m told by my millennial family members. It’s like I never ate the Hardee’s Monster Burger ’cause I got no pictures. (Actually, I never did finish that burger).


    1. It exists because I have a picture in my mind. Isn’t that the things are now? If I feel it’s true or imagine something, why, then, it must be true!

      Haven’t been to Hardee’s since the 90s; their menu offerings never excited me, but hearing about a Monster Burger . . .


      1. It was the ’90s when I last went to Hardee’s. They used to run the ads here in NY but there were no Hardee’s here. But when I moved to MN I found several, all serving the Monster Burger. A man’s got to know his limitations!


  3. That’s a beautiful and unique-looking flower, I don’t recall ever seeing one like that before . . . how interesting that it seems there’s always something new to discover . . .

    I’ve always been fascinated by those large turtles. Their colors and patterns are so captivating, I could look at them for hours . . . well, maybe many minutes . . . like I did on Original in the SM gallery . . . lovely, just lovely. I imagine the would be good for Deep Dream . . .


    1. Thank you. They turned out better than I had hoped given the shooting condition and that I rushed. The close-ups will likely get a treatment. Haven’t been Deep Dreaming lately as other things hold my interest.


  4. The Goat was very clear, I spied a snakes head, peeping out from it’s cover and also a fish.
    Those dead tree trunks are great.

    When I was. up in he north west of Western Australia around the Exmouth Gulf area, there were plenty of turtles, and there were those who caught and killed them for a living, Apparently turtles are tasty

    Anyway they did cause some serious injuries to some of the turtle killers with their flippers, the wounds that the men suffered were quite horrendous, would not heal, and became ulcerous.

    I must admit that at that time I was on the turtles side

    That was the late 60’s early 70’s medical science can probably fix the wounds now


    1. Medical science is probably not in places where they still do that.

      And, yes, tree trunks are great. I see a number of things on there, but I don’t always mention them because it varies with the person.


      1. You Britts! . . . always giving yourselves airs.

        But, OK . . . A smiling Mozilla Gorilla (including hat), a dog eating a squid, a tiny alien with one eye and one antenna, a head-hunter’s trophy (could also be a zombie’s head – New Orleans zombie, not the brain-eating ones), a frog holding/supporting the side of its head, An old style theater mask (winking and sticking its tongue out – could also be a playful devil), the head of a gecko, I see two other faces but they are difficult to describe. There’s also the face of a small hedgehog or perhaps a sloth. If I want to stretch a bit, there’s a crab and a fish (could be a dolphin).


  5. OOH! I can see the goat face! He’s got a great comb-over, too! 🙂

    Thanks for enduring the hot and heavy walk so we could enjoy your photos of Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historic Park! What beautiful sites and creatures! I especially enjoy those Green Sea Turtles! Such an undisturbing life they enjoy! 🙂

    HUGS!!! 🙂


    1. Thank you. I was lucky that a few of them were in the shallows close to shore.

      Kodak used to sell disposable cameras (film) that you could take underwater. You then handed the whole camera in for development. I had some great shots with them from early visits to Hawaii when I used them while snorkeling. Don’t know if they still do that or not.

      Oddly enough, though I don’t have the guts to do it, the Note 8 is rated for immersion up to half an hour and to 4.5 feet. Good enough for shots right below the surface, although they say if it’s salt water, to make sure to rinse it well, especially the ports. Like I said, I wouldn’t. Immerse them, that is. I would rinse them well if I did (but I won’t).

      There are now waterproof cases for most phones for people who want to use them underwater.


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