S23 Ultra May and June 2024 Photos

Dream AI, by WOMBO

OK, so, technically, that’s not an S23 Ultra Photo . . . and also, technically, it is since I used the WOMBO Dream AI app on the phone to generate it.

I have that up here because I’m still not seeing many hummingbirds. I would worry if it weren’t for the fact I remember feeling the same way around this time last year and then having the hummingbird population explode in July and August. I’m hoping for a repeat this year.

Dream AI, by WOMBO

On the other hand, I’m still waiting to see more lighthouses here in the middle of Illinois . . . and I keep being disappointed. Still, hope jumps for a long time . . . er . . . springs eternal.

Notice I’ve not done any AI Art updates lately. I still play with the tools, but only in a half-assed way. For instance, I used a few of the ’57 Bel Air images from a few posts ago (HERE) to generate compasses and spacecraft (or, at least, that’s what I asked for).

Can you tell which is which?

Right! . . . so what have I been photographing?

Well, bagel faces, of course. Happy bagel faces, at that.

And flowers . . . our flowers, to be precise, the few that we have.

Those are some of our clematis flowers from three shrubs we planted. As always, we have some geraniums . . .

I like the geraniums, but the clematis are a bit more interesting, especially after the petals drop off and you’re left with the seed ball.

The various stages of the flower are all interesting . . .

Here’s a fly feeding on the tip of one of the stamen . . .

I also photograph these leaves whenever they are wet . . . which lately they haven’t been.

I also pick up interesting river rocks and sometimes photograph them . . .

. . . and then use them as seed images when I play around with the AI art generators.

So, what makes rocks interesting? Really, it depends on my mood. If I’m bored, pretty much any rock can be interesting for its shape, color, or texture.

Not great images, but since I play with them, they don’t have to be.

So, what else?

That’s a quilt Melisa is working on for some friends. She is not happy with the color combination because the fabric reflects light differently depending on the angle from which you’re looking at it (probably something with the grain of the fabric), making it look like the colors are mismatched. So, she’ll be redoing it.

This is another quilt she had been working on and finally got quilted. She still has to bind it, but she does that by hand.

I should probably do an update on her other efforts, as well as my mother’s cross-stitch projects.

I just published a post about flowers, but I had a few other images I could share . . . and I will. I won’t show them all here, but you can see them if you play the slideshow at the end or visit the SmugMug gallery.

All of those were snapped yesterday at the Carbondale Farmer’s Market. Also, some vegetables I thought looked photographically interesting despite my dislike for them.

Sometimes, I’m out doing something and spot something interesting (to me), so out comes the phone.

I don’t know how it met its demise, but I was sad to see it lying there.

Also yesterday, I swung by Sam’s Club to pick up a few things, and this was in the Parking lot. I was immediately envious . . . before I thought about the difficulties of driving it around town and the low clearance of the vehicle, especially given the distance between the wheels. Still, it’s a nice-looking machine.

Lastly, sometimes I snap a picture because I am reminded of the piece of toast that had an image of Jesus Christ (supposedly) imprinted on it . . . it listed for something like $25K. The grilled cheese sandwich with an image of the Virgin Mary on sod for $28K.

So, when I saw this in the frying pan, I immediately grabbed the phone and snapped a picture.

YES! It’s an image of an ex-president and felon extraordinaire rendered in eggs, bacon, and cheese!

The problem is this . . . I wasn’t thinking about the financial windfall, so I ate the specimen with the rest of my breakfast.

That means I’ve got nothing to sell to the well-heeled MAGA billionaire who might have been interested in it.

All I have is the picture . . . I probably can’t get much more than $3,257 dollars for it.

BUT! I’m willing to let it go for an even $2,500.

Any takers?

What do you mean, “It doesn’t look like the felon?”

The hard look, swoopy yellow hair, shifty eyes, and pouty lips . . . it’s a spitting image, I tell you what!

Ah, forget it!

Anyway, I’m calling this one done.

You can visit the SmugMug Gallery HERE (52 images) and click the link below for the slideshow.


That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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Note 2: Sharing a link that points back here is perfectly OK.


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11 thoughts on “S23 Ultra May and June 2024 Photos

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  1. I can see the resemblance of the ex-POTUS! I would buy it for a reasonable price but I’m lactose intolerant. And he can be pretty cheesy.

    I’m not sure if I would like to be behind that RV at the drive-up window at Sonic but it’s much nicer looking than most.

    I like the flowers and leaf photos, too. I keep an old spray bottle of water out back to spray on leaves and flowers before I shoot them to get that “dewey” look. I even took it to the Arboretum once or twice. Don’t tell anybody.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Ken, and thanks for confirming my impression of the cheesy egg POTUS.

      I used to snap photos of flowers after I watered them, so we’re in agreement, although I’m more likely to wait for actual rain as it gives a different feel to the background as well.

      And no worries … I ain’t got nobody to tell.


  2. Beautiful, amazing, interesting, funny…and e-gads…all in one posting! Superb photos, Emilio!
    E-gads on the eggs…HE keeps popping up everywhere! UGHS! At least Eggy-D didn’t start talking to you!
    (((HUGS))) for you and Melisa!! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. I had a lot to share. If I let it go too long, it then gets lost in the fog of time.

      And, no Eggy-D was uncharacteristically silent. I’m pretty sure his brain was fried.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Photos from a photographer extraordinaire!!! Yes, you, Emilio!

    You got all my attention with the first two Dream AI offerings . . . OUTSTANDING!

    And then the journey continued to REMARKABLE, with an honorable mention to the rocks (the AI one really rocks!) and to Melisa’s exquisite handiwork.

    Oh, yeah . . . let’s not forget the chuckles I got from your eggstraordinary culinary portrait. Interesting how life imitates food art.


    1. Thanks, AnnMarie.

      I’m behind uploading my latest to the SmugMug gallery, something I will remedy right after I finish this reply.

      I really should have saved that portrait eggsample . . . once he’s President again, I could have tried to sell it as the official WH portrait. Certainly better than some recent examples I’ve seen. More realistic, too.

      Liked by 1 person

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