Heartbeat Post

Did I mention that I’m busy? Gotz lots on my mind, I do. When I want to unwind, I come here. Doing something, even as banal as publishing a quick post, has a way of recentering me. Not always, but certainly whenever I pick a photo and share it . . . 

It gives me a brief mooring; a quick escape from the roiling waves of the turbulence that is life.

OK, OK . . . too poetic and plus most people don’t know roiling. 


I want to share a milestone . . . 

I hadn’t looked at my stats for a good long while and lucky thing that I glanced at them or I would have missed the important 2,297 posts milestone . . . not to mention the 1,483 followers milestone . . . which won’t pass this way again for many moons.

. . . lots of businesses and people who sell stuff recently joined my ranks of supposed followers. I’d be willing to bet they have read not a one of my words.

Anyway, I wanted to mention March 19th was my anniversary — blog anniversary, not some other anniversary — and I forgot to mark it. That just goes to show how significant it is. 

That number does amaze me a bit . . . 24,908 comments. Sure, sure, 50% are my own comments and 49% are from the same three people and 1% are from readers who got lost and were asking for directions. Still, that’s a lot of comments. 

Of course, I’m not as prolific as I once was. Like, for instance, 2014 (HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE). 

I also no longer do amazingly long posts with nearly 100 photos . . . such as THIS post. 

I’m lucky if I post one photo . . . 

. . . and then add a variation of the same photo.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention I’ve been Dispersering nine years now . . . and the world is no better for it. 

. . . sad, that . . . 

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


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16 thoughts on “Heartbeat Post

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  1. Is it a mushroom or a nuclear explosion (or both).
    I always keep an eye on statistics, I am always intrigued by some of the follows, especially those when you click on them there is a message that the website has no content or even more bizarre has been deleted!


    1. Some people get an ID so that they can comment and interact with Blogs they read.

      I haven’t checked lately, but it used to be you could let people comment if they provided an email address but I think the default was to use a valid WordPress ID.

      As I said, haven’t checked in a while. Don’t know the current settings but I suspect that’s the reason for “empty” IDs.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The current winds of change are roiling your usual calm and clean waters . . . but, there is a mooring in sight . . . and soon all the troublesome sediment will settle down.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, my world is better for it…you know, because you blog. So, thank you, Emilio, for being here and Happy 9th! 🙂
    I imagine things will settled down soon and you can get back to doing the things you wanna’ do and not just what you have to do. 🙂


  4. Hi, Emilio, happy belated blogversary and congratulations! Very glad I have bumped into your blog and I hope you will disperser for many years more!!
    A presto 🙋


  5. Thanks, e-T.

    Been a bit busy. I read your last two posts and meant to comment (probably still will) but unlike iguanas, I can control my blog-related urges when there’s real stuff to be done.


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