Johnston City Classic Car Show (Details) — 30SEP2023

Upscaled 4X using Topaz Photo AI

Them who read the previous post about the Johnston City Classic Car Show<<click might remember the photo of the mural.

Seeing as this post is all about the details (close-ups), I figured I’d open with a closeup of that mural photo. Rather, of the hydrant in front of the mural. Since I didn’t snap a closeup of the hydrant (my bad!) I cropped the hydrant out of the full-size photo and then enlarged it 4X using Photo AI. And there it is.

The rest of the close-ups — all snapped with the Samsung S23 Ultra — are all about the cars.

I’ll identify the car when I remember, but I might forget (or don’t know) a few. We’ll see.

As a reminder, I’d preferred to have had my Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 lens with me and used the D7500, but the phone didn’t do a bad job considering the difficult shooting conditions.

Not as many words in this post, so let’s get to it.

I suspect this is a replica of the original 1929 Mercedes Gazelle

Oops! . . . one more thing. I didn’t take close-ups of all the cars (my bad, again!), so if it’s not here, I didn’t snap it.

1956 Chevrolet Bel-Air
1965 Oldsmobile 442
1965 Oldsmobile 442 — Not a detail, but still interesting
1970 Ford Maverick

An idea of what car prices were like in the 1970s . . .

1970 Ford Maverick
1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air
1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air
1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air
1966 Chevy Chevelle SS 427
(the reflection of the pavement is changing the color; it should be dark green)
1971 Plymouth ‘Cuda
1971 Plymouth ‘Cuda
1960 Ford F-100
1960 Ford F-100

If I had to pick a favorite vehicle from the show, it’s this next one . . .

1964 Chevy Chevelle 2-Door Station Wagon
1931 Ford Model A
1950 Mercury 2-Door Lead Sled
1962 Chevrolet Corvette
1962 Chevrolet Corvette
1962 Chevrolet Corvette
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
1955 Chevy 210 Del-Ray
1955 Chevy 210 Del-Ray
1955 Chevy 210 Del-Ray
Dodge Charger R/T
Dodge Charger R/T

I liked the front grill, but because of poor lighting and glare, the photo wasn’t all that good . . . so I played with it a bit.

Dodge Charger R/T (original as shot)
Dodge Charger R/T
Dodge Charger R/T
Dodge Charger R/T
1935 DeLuxe Ford 5 Windows Coupe (actual bubblegum color!)
1935 DeLuxe Ford 5 Windows Coupe (actual bubblegum color!)
1969 Chevy El Camino

And here we are, the last one.

1965 GMC Shortbed

Again, the phone did well.

Note that most of these photos needed a fair amount of cleaning up because there were many spots, dust, scratches, and imperfections on the finish of many cars (not the phone’s fault). I used a combination of spot repairs, copy and clone, noise reduction, and magic to get the images as clean as possible.

Anyway, here is the randomized slideshow of the above photos:


Here’s the LINK<<click to the SmugMug Gallery.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it’s copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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9 thoughts on “Johnston City Classic Car Show (Details) — 30SEP2023

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  1. There are some really fine shots here, E. They’ve given me some encouragement to utilize my own phone more. These shots are all well-exposed and well-framed.
    Question: is the slideshow a WordPress function or is there some other magic that I am unaware? I’d like to incorporate it in some posts like you have instead of the Gallery that WordPress offers.


    1. The slideshow has nothing to do with WordPress. It’s a SmugMug option for sharing the gallery.

      WordPress has a Slideshow Block, but it’s just a gallery showing images one at a time instead of all at once. Depending on your plan, some plugins might be available, but I think they are only for the higher-cost plans.

      I like doing those slideshows because they adjust to show the photos as large as possible on the browser window, even if set to full-screen, limited, of course, by the size of the original photo.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just made a slideshow in a WordPress post (just a draft) and it’s not very nice. I could see how it might be useful with some applications but I like the Gallery better. Your SmugMug slideshows are outstanding.


    1. I agree, and I also think that SmugMug’s embedded images look better than those uploaded to the WordPress library.

      WordPress messes with the images you upload, and — to my eyes — they never look quite as good as the originals, probably due to their compression algorithm (although they never copped to it).

      Liked by 1 person

        1. That was an ongoing issue between me and WP support. On and off for years, I would ask why the images didn’t look the same once posted as they did on my PC. Initially, I was told the best quality was to upload the same size as the width of the blog. That didn’t help, so for a while, I would overprocess the photos to compensate for the “dulling”.

          That’s when I started linking the images to their SmugMug equivalent. Meaning, I would upload a photo to WP, post it, but then link to the version on SmugMug.

          Eventually, when I started running out of storage space, I started embedding the images directly from SmugMug, and now they look great (or, at least, the same as I processed them).

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Carolyn.

      What’s weird about looking at these cars is that they seem both familiar because most were around when I came to the US, and I drove similar ones, and also alien because they are so different from anything made in the last 30 years.

      That said, even as I admire the aesthetics of them, I have no desire to own any of them.

      Except, maybe, one of these . . .

      Liked by 1 person

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