SmugMug Appreciation Sunday — No. 007

The background for these posts can be found in THIS post.

In brief, these posts serve to introduce new readers — and reintroduce regular readers — to photos from the early days of this blog and, occasionally, to photos from days before this blog came into existence.

Today, I offer a gallery with 90 photos originally shared in THIS post.

I almost called it a “recent post” but it’s from five years ago. Anymore, I can hardly process the passage of time because — as an example of that post — it seems both “recent” and “ancient”; I can’t believe it’s been that long and it also seems like it was longer. Perhaps I’m just losing it; I hear it happens as one gets on in years.

Anyway, on to the photos, which, per the SmugMug Gallery name, are all taken with the P900 . . .

A cruise ship in Kona harbor on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi

For new readers, that’s from the time we were living in Hawaiʻi.

As far as the P900, that was the first year I owned it, and I made it a point to put it through its paces.

Not the same ship but, after a while, cruise ships tend to resemble each other in shape.

Of course, all this was before they turned into giant Petri dishes, although, truthfully, they were always incubators for various viruses, just not as deadly as COVID-19 . . .

Nice scenery . . . Vog and all.

Whenever I posted photos of cruise ships, ElBob would make it a point of telling me what abomination they were, both to the spirit of seafaring and to the eyes . . . I would then make it a point of calling them boats. Ah, good times . . . I miss ElBob.

There’s no particular theme to this gallery (usual for me) other than exploring two things: life and the sights of Hawaiʻi, and the capabilities of the P900.

I sought out the P900 primarily for the zoom, but it’s also a capable macro camera.

Up close.
Far away.
Near, but zoomed-in a lot.

These crabs don’t trust humans (something I have in common with them) and the only way to get these types of photos is to either crop a whole lot or use the P900 to ‘reach out’, as it were . . .

Sometimes, you can capture stuff that’s a long way off, and, to be clear, it’s not the woman I’m photographing, but the fact she brought shark food with her on the paddleboard . . .

Regular readers know this, but if anyone is contemplating a versatile, lightweight, fairly compact, and decent camera for amateur photography, I have no problems recommending the P900.

. . . of course, there are competitors, but this is the only one — that I’m aware of — with this kind of zoom (all taken from the same distance) . . .

OK, just two more . . .

Iconic Hawaiʻian scenery
Iconic Hawaiʻian scenery

. . . so here are the links to the slideshow for the SmugMug Gallery in question.

Note: the transition is set to 2sec, but — if you move the cursor anywhere within the photo — you’ll see a pause button on the lower left, and, once paused, you can use the left and right arrows on both sides of the photo to navigate the slideshow. If you click anywhere in the photo instead of the pause button, you’ll exit the slideshow and find yourself in SmugMug. You can still scroll through the photos, or interact in other ways.

Slideshow of the P900 Catching up No. 2 gallery (90 photos)

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it’s copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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6 thoughts on “SmugMug Appreciation Sunday — No. 007

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    1. I think he was a navy man, so his idea of ‘cruiser’ was vastly different.

      I think the tendency toward more and more decks (something that has stopped in the last few years) and higher and higher passenger capacity both affect the aesthetics of the ship and the appeal of wanting to be on them.

      I suspect cruising will settle back into smaller (and probably more exclusive) ships, at least in the short term. But I could be wrong.

      Perhaps the allure of being herded like cattle for a promised reward of unlimited food will again overpower the fear of becoming deathly ill.


  1. Always a pleasure to look at the Hawaiian natural subjects. That last photo on this post of the icon palm trees is truly a masterpiece.


  2. I miss Brian, too. A lot. So often over the past few years I’ve wished I could hear what he had to say about the goings-on in the world.
    Gorgeous photos…all of them! I especially like the crab. Those eyes! That smile! HA!
    (((HUGS))) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I think we can guess what he would have to say. I think on some things I’m channeling him . . . but then I remember it’s the destiny of all old people to look at what’s happening and warn of the downfall of civilization.

      . . . sadly, our current situation probably merits even more warnings than we voice.

      Most of all, I don’t want to be around when it’s time to say “I told you so!”

      Liked by 2 people

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