Disperser Update #615b

Forgive me, readers, for it’s been four days since my last post.

So, what have I been doing, you ask? Well, Bob, stuff. Stuff? Yeah . . . let me shoot off a few things at random and catch you up.

People who occasionally exchange e-mail with me might have noticed the removal of my long-time tagline from beneath my signature. It used to read:

“Winning enemies and irritating friends since 1953”

Yes, it was that color, but I’ve now removed it from my e-mail signature. Mind you, the tagline is still very much a truism and I see its removal a capitulation of sorts. You see, I’m embarking on a serious effort toward the goal of getting published. That translates into sending e-mails to people who are not all that familiar with the goodness that is me. 

They might interpret the tagline more as a statement of pride rather than the truthful warning it’s meant to be. Really, it was never even a warning; it’s a truism, a statement of fact, if you will.  So, while the tagline is gone, it lives on. Normally this ability of mine, this knack, if you will, does not bother me, but occasionally it do, as in the last few days. When it do, it disrupts most of my activities and interests. The good thing? It don’t last long; I’ve always had what some people consider remarkable; a facility with moving on and putting things behind me.

So, what else is new? Well, I’m growing a beard again. I do so just about every year in the hope my beard has transitioned to all gray. This is the first year where I might end up keeping it. 

I sported a beard for about twenty years or so, Starting in 1985 when our company (and me) were hired to provide analytical support and training to the then brand-spanking-new Saturn Corporation. An experiment by GM, it had the perfect environment for me to not worry about shaving. This is my first picture with a beard:


That was the first growth, and it was trimmed back shortly after that photo was taken to the more manageable length I  would sport from then on. My beard maintenance was pretty simple; every few weeks trim it way down and then let it grow again.

Here is a photo from 1996 showing my typical face covering.


In the mid-2000s, gray hairs started making an appearance. I did not mind it at all . . . except that it did not come in even. I had splotches of gray and dark hair and from a distance it looked a bit as if I had forgotten to wash my face. 

I occasionally grew the beard to see if it would come in even. This next GIF is from 2009.


So, where am I with the current effort? As I said, I might end up keeping it. I won’t know for another week or so. Right now, the beard is still not quite at the “distinguished and learned older gentleman” stage. 

Meaning, it’s at the “creepy and deranged older guy” stage, but I have high hope for it. In case people are not clear on it; I don’t particularly like shaving every day. 

In addition, the beard acts to soften the harsh and malevolent look of my normal visage. Oh, sure, I could try makeup, but believe me, it only enhances the creepiness factor. Don’t believe me?

I have a program called PortraitPro Studio. Its latest update added the option to apply makeup to the portraits one is enhancing. It’s meant for portraits of females, but you can easily fool the program. Using the above photo, I give you . . . Disperser in makeup.


Of course, that’s a photo from six years ago. With or without makeup, I now look much, much older, creepier, and in need of facial covering. As for the program, quite remarkable, at least in my opinion.

Not wanting readers leaving this post with the above image swirling around in their head, I give you some photos from past blog posts. Think of them as brain cleansers.

Ice crystals formations on glass - Ice Crabs
Ice crystals formations on glass – Ice Crabs
Ice crystals formations on glass - Sky Shark
Ice crystals formations on glass – Sky Shark


A Yuccas seed and a Salsify seed
A Yuccas seed and a Salsify seed
A few pine cones.
A few pine cones.

. . . and the water has ice atop it (where there are no ducks or geese).


I’ll post an update on my writing efforts shortly, along with another chapter of the NaNoWriMo novel. 

I hope this wasn’t too boring, but these kinds of posts help me get back on track and reinvigorate my desire to do stuff.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


Please, if you are considering bestowing me recognition beyond commenting below, refrain from doing so.  I will decline blogger-to-blogger awards.   I appreciate the intent behind it, but I prefer a comment thanking me for turning you away from a life of crime, religion, or making you a better person in some other way.  That would mean something to me.

If you wish to know more, please read below.

About awards: Blogger Awards
About “likes”:   Of “Likes”, Subscriptions, and Stuff

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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

25 thoughts on “Disperser Update #615b

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    1. If you watch TV, everyone is wearing makeup . . . perhaps not as heavily applied.

      Seriously, I was impressed with the program because it was literally a couple of clicks to add makeup, eyelashes, smooth the skin, raise the cheekbones, etc. and now I don’t have to do it to see what I would look like.


      1. I haven’t played with the program that much, so I’m not sure what controls are available as far as makeup is concerned. It could be that’s the only makeup available. Also, I’m not likely to play with my photo again.

        But, if I ever take a portrait of a female, I might dabble some more and dig a little deeper into the dials and levers of the program.

        . . . and, thanks for your interest in me developing serious makeup skills.


  1. I’d recommend you stay with the beard……which actually suits you. Somehow, long eyelashes and lipstick don’t seem to bring out the Real You. But don’t mind me…. some of the folks here have some interesting suggestions you might want to try.


    1. The beauty of the digital medium is that one can try all sorts of stuff without actually doing any of it. Trust me when I say this . . . in my whole life I’ve been consistent in one important aspect of it; low maintenance when it comes to mode of dress, hair, nails, etc.

      It the beard comes in halfway decent (Melisa will judge it) I get to stop shaving. A big plus in my book. And no, the additional free time would not have me transition into applying makeup. I happen to like my cadaverous looks, and my ultimate goal is matching my old avatar . . .


  2. I love facial hair on men! You’re looking handsome, Emilio! And you have an attractive smile!
    But, Ha! You wearing makeup! You might want to save the makeup for special occasions! 😉
    Love the nature photos! Especially the ice crystals, pinecones, and feather! Beautiful!
    Have you taken a portrait and given it the O’Keefe or DaVinci or Neon any other effects?! Would that work on portraits?
    HUGS!!! Happy Whee-kend to you and Melisa!!! 🙂


    1. It does a good job of hiding all sorts of imperfections, but my interest in it is strictly out of laziness.

      As for the makeup, let me unequivocally say that I cannot foresee an occasion so special that it would move me to wear makeup. I might move up my monthly shower and might even brush my teeth (unless they are serving food, in which case why bother). Why, I might even wear a fancy t-shirt, with a pocket and everything. But makeup? Nah.

      And yes, the filter would work on portraits (I picked one I had doctored to accurately portray my soulless eyes) . . .

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Keep the beard. I’ve had mine on and off (mostly on) far a long time. I look like Lord Voldemort without it. Yeah, the beard will look good in your book jacket portrait.


    1. I don’t know . . . It might creep some people out. Plus, I’m hoping to sell more than one book; in not sure I can grow beards fast enough to keep up with the kind of sales volume I hope for.

      Oh, wait . . . I misunderstood; never mind, and yeah, maybe it would.


  4. Mom and I laughed to tears with the makeup photo! And, except for the creepy photos, thanks for the reminders of how handsome you are!

    P.S. Mothers and sisters have a tendency to see their beloved ones through love-colored eyes.


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