Grass Does as Grass Seeds

Over the past few weeks I’ve been collecting grass seeds specifically with the intent of recreating the success of my previous seed post. We’ve had a fairly wet Spring and Summer, and that means lots of grasses doing very well.

I planned on using one of the penguin bottles I have . . .

seeds, grass seeds

. . . but upon reflection, I decided for something with a duller finish.

seeds, grass seeds

I think it goes better with the seeds. Just handling this particular stalk caused a number of the seeds to separate and drop . . . in my office, in the great room, on the stairs to the basement, and on the treadmill (my staging area). Let me tell you, these seeds are a bitc . . . er . . . difficult to pick up.

The spindly strands seem to push away from you as you try to pick them up. You can’t group them, can’t carry them, can’t do nothing but swear at them.

seeds, grass seeds

Most of the seeds around the base came from this particular stem. When I picked it all of those strands were lined up along the seeds, giving it the look of a horse tail. Within a day of being picked, they flared out. It makes the seeds easily dislodged by either brushing them or blowing on them.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Here are the pair of seed stems . . . both of these have lost seeds.

seeds, grass seeds

Here are a pair with all their seeds (as far as I can tell).

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Here’s a closer look at the two . . .

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

These next seeds are from a relatively low-growing grass. The stalks are fairly rigids, and the seed part waves a bit like a flag on the stalk.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

These are both angled upward, but when still attached to the rest of the plant, the seed pods hang slightly down, and even the slightest breeze will set them swaying. A bunch of these plants together in a group look kind of neat.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

These next seeds are from a much taller grass, and the seeds themselves are substantial.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Here’s some close-ups . . .

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

By the way, these photos are also in THIS SmugMug gallery.

Some seeds resemble cypress trees.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Even though I grouped these two together, I don’t think they are the same plant or seeds.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Another seed stalk that looks a bit like the others but is not the same.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Here’s another cypress-like stalk, but not quite the other two.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

These next two stalks are actually quite heavy. I mean, I’ve been working out, so they were no match for my brawn, but they felt substantial when holding them up.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

And wouldn’t you know it? . . . it rained. Yes, right there in our entertainment room.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Now, this next one is from one of my ornamental grasses . . . 

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

Very thin, wispy, and prone to move from what appeared my breathing about 2 feet away, or even the air currents generated from me moving my hands.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

And yes . . . it rained again!

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

I was hoping for better photos, but I was fast losing the light, and Melisa called me; my mushroom risotto was ready.

Sorry folks, but these are the best I could do. I mean, I like you guys, but mushroom risotto! I can’t pass that up! I’m rushing these last ones; I got to go.

seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds seeds, grass seeds

As I said, the SmugMug gallery is HERE (there are a few more photos in the gallery).

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o o o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark Turns the Mind of Men
Dark Turns the Mind of Men

Astute persons might have noticed these doodles, and correctly surmised they hold some significance for me, and perhaps for humanity at large.  

If you click on the doodle, and nothing happens, this is the link it’s supposed to go to:


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


Please, if you are considering bestowing me recognition beyond commenting below, refrain from doing so.  I will decline blogger-to-blogger awards.   I appreciate the intent behind it, but I prefer a comment thanking me for turning you away from a life of crime, religion, or making you a better person in some other way.  That would mean something to me.

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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

11 thoughts on “Grass Does as Grass Seeds

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  1. These are probably the most outstanding photos I’ve seen posted here. I’m not saying that lightly, either. It’s a combination of the photographic technique and subject matter. I a bit jealous, though. I don’t have room in my studio for a treadmill.


    1. Oh, and thanks. I think I just lucked out. Two pieces of black boards, side light from a window, and some seeds. Oh, and a mister. Not a person of the male gender, nor a person who mists, but an actual apparatus to generate water mist.


      1. Awesome! . . . I just found out I have a studio as well!

        . . . but the treadmill is in the finished lower level . . . Even more Awesome! I have two studios, and one has a treadmill in it!


  2. Grasses can be extremely decorative, and those photographs are outstanding. I have found that using grasses indoors for decoration is futile. Those darn little seeds are so determined to procreate they will fly off and around the room if you look at them. I have discovered a good way to retrieve most of of the hyperactive seeds, fortunately….just drag your favorite sweater around the room. This also works with nettles and burrs, although why you would bring those into the house is isa puzzling.thought.


  3. Wow, . . . I’m simply awestruck by the beauty of the subjects and the photos themselves. Super well done, E! A very elegant post, this be! And now off to SmugMug to see them seeds and drops in Original!


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