S23 Ultra Photos Artsified – 25JUL2024

It’s been a long time since I’ve artsified any photos. I still have all the apps, but for some reason, I’ve not thought about using them . . . until yesterday.

I decided to play with some of the S23 Ultra images I shared on Sunday (HERE) because I figure they are still fresh in readers’ minds.

Even if not, these stand on their own merit . . .

However, given that tastes vary, some other images in this set may appeal to you more.

Here’s variations on the lily pad:

It don’t look like much today, but imagine the wonder of being one of the first to capture an image . . . 200 years ago.

I also like how these two efforts turned out . . .

Oh, who am I kidding!? I wouldn’t post these here if I didn’t like them.

I didn’t do much with the poor dragonfly photo, but I did try a few things and only liked this next semi-abstract version.

That particular post had a lot of flowers, but I only did one more . . .

. . . before turning my attention to the awesome Bus RV . . .

I know that not everyone cares about these creations—let alone likes them—but they pass the time when I don’t want to do more serious stuff.

The SmugMug Gallery for these images is HERE, and I turned on the download button for the images. I only ask that anyone who uses the images credit the source (me).

Click on the link below for the slideshow:

Slideshow (24 images)

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: If you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know it’s copied without permission and likely used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: Sharing a link that points back here is perfectly OK.


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8 thoughts on “S23 Ultra Photos Artsified – 25JUL2024

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  1. These Emartsified photos are true reflections of your unique creative talent.

    That’s a formula AI will never be able to discover.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, AnnMarie, but the very act of sharing them here means the AI can look at them and then duplicate them.

      . . . that is, if I ever become famous enough for someone to ask the AI to copy what I do (very, unlikely).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all, let me say that I want that bus!!! Excellent treatments on the bus. The flowers and leaves respond well to the treatments in my opinion. Especially the pastel treatment. I can think of a dozen photos I have that would work with that. I’ve had problems trying to achieve the pastel look on my own without the plugins. Now I’m curious to see if I can still find any of the plugins I had on my old PC. The only one I transferred over was the Topaz AI but I used to have a boat load of others.


    1. You and me both, about the bus . . . although, as mentioned in the other post, it’s not something one can easily tool around in. But, if one is replacing one’s house, then, yeah.

      Unfortunately, those things (new) are topping $1M. I don’t know how much this one cost originally, but I suspect much, much less . . . but probably had about that much spent on it to keep it in good shape.

      I still have all the old plugins loaded on my PC as I sometimes play with them. Some of them (Impression, Glow, Simplify, Texture, and ReStyle) can’t be easily replicated with other apps.

      Studio 2 incorporates some of the functionalities of those plugins and apps, but not all. Even some of Topaz BW Effects plugin presets are difficult to duplicate, although not many.

      Some of the looks above have stacked effects on them (Simplify, Impression, and Glow, for example). The first leaves treatment is a Film Pack setting for Elite Chrome 400, I think (I should have written it down).

      Anyway, I have all sorts of old apps because I’m a pack rat at heart, especially of software, and it’s fun to occasionally go back and play with them. Or, at least, it is for me.


  3. Some of those floral images are very colourful and well presented. Do you find that the artification of images like these inspires you to create improved images direct from the camera?


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