Midjourney Thanksgiving AI-Generated Art 2023

Well ahead of the holiday, I began giving Midjourney —and other AI Art Generators — Thanksgiving-themed prompts. From all the images Midjourney generated, I picked 175 that I liked and threw them all in one SmugMug Gallery<<click.

Don’t worry; I’ll not link them all here, but I aim to give a flavor for the type of images in the gallery. For instance, the above image is from the Dripping Art prompt with an additional modifier asking for a watercolor rendering. Here’s another rendering from that prompt . . .

Most of the prompts were simple: Thanksgiving feast, Thanksgiving, first Thanksgiving, etc.

The difference was the qualifiers. For example, here are two of the images produced by the 2D Illustration qualifier . . .

As with all the AI Art I share, the images are available for download in case anyone has any use for them. If you used them in a public space (blog, Facebook, X, etc.), I’d appreciate it if you mentioned where you got them and that they are AI Art from Midjourney.

I won’t hunt you down if you don’t, but it’s common courtesy . . . or at least, it used to be.

Another qualifier is Cinematographic Style. The following two offerings had the prompt “First Thanksgiving”, but I don’t see any depiction of American Indians in the renderings.

If you ask me, those look more like wedding celebrations than Thanksgiving, but what do I know?

I was pleasantly surprised with the renderings from the qualifier Diagrammatic . . .

Same for the Diorama qualifier . . .

The Futuristic versions were surprising and not particularly appealing. Looks like a weird future to me . . .

Next, I tried an Infographic drawing of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner . . .

I like the results of Iridescent Thanksgiving feast because it’s not as over the top as usual iridescent scenes.

Isometric illustration of Thanksgiving Feast gave images that look like these . . .

Now, the Japanese Ink Drawing of a Thanksgiving Feast produced images with a wide range of interpretations . . .

The Paper Cut Art and Paper Quilling renderings are very well executed . . . this coming from someone with no expertise in producing such art.

That last one above is supposed to be paper quilling, but I don’t see it. It looks more like pottery clay to me. The next ones have at least some elements of paper quilling.

Next up, pastel drawings . . . with details that look almost photorealistic (covered further down in the post).

AIs like to imagine lots of fresh fruits are part of Thanksgiving feasts, but I don’t recall an abundance of fresh fruits being part of the few feasts I’ve attended . . . but the turkey looks nice.

That’s another thing . . . roasted turkey looks scrumptidelicious, but it’s not one of my favorite meats. The biggest disappointment — again, for me — is the drumsticks. The first time I had one was at a Renaissance fair, and I eagerly attacked it, only to be deeply disappointed. I thought that perhaps it just hadn’t been prepared correctly, but no, I experienced the same disappointment whenever I had one. I no longer try drumsticks, and while I can stand the rest of the cuts, I barely indulge, usually only out of politeness.

Of the qualifiers I tried, patchwork collage is my least favorite . . .

I’m sure some readers will like them — there are more in the gallery — but for me, the lack of cohesiveness and the mixing of styles doesn’t quite land. Not awful, mind you, but not something I would go out of my way to examine.

Next, the photorealistic files . . .

. . . which, to me, look a lot like the pastel drawings.

I usually try the typography art, but that’s another qualifier that disappoints, partly because any letters that appear don’t actually spell anything. I mean, they don’t look bad, and are even interesting to view, but I’d prefer it if they incorporated actual Thanksgiving-themed words.

I only ran four, so here they are . . .

. . . this one doesn’t even incorporate any letters . . .

While interesting, they don’t represent typography art<<click as I understand it.

The Ukiyoe-art<<click qualifier sometimes gives interesting renderings. . . but for these Thanksgiving prompts — while mildly interesting — I think it’s not a good match . . . or, maybe it is, I don’t know . . .

. . . looks like Uhiyoe-art . . .
. . . while this one, not so much.

Under the watercolor qualifier, I also grouped the ornamental watercolor. What’s the difference? Well, I don’t know, but here’s a watercolor image . . .

. . . and here’s an example of an ornamental watercolor images . . .

I tried looking up the difference between the two, but the internet don’t know nuthing ’bout no ornamental watercolor. And, really, even some of the watercolor images look only marginally watercolorish to me . . . but I don’t know nuthing ’bout no watercolor.

Again, these are just samples. The gallery has many more versions for most of the qualifiers, but, truthfully, in each group, many renderings only minimally vary.

If you want to visit the gallery and leisurely peruse it or want to download a few images, click this LINK.

If you just want to watch the randomized slideshow, click the word below. For the best effect, maximize the browser window.

Slideshow (175 images)

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it’s copied without permission and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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9 thoughts on “Midjourney Thanksgiving AI-Generated Art 2023

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  1. I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout no watercolor either but I suppose even Star Wars stormtroopers have to celebrate some holidays. My favorite part of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is the dressing. The kind made outside the turkey. With gravy. Also make without the turkey. Also, on Thanksgiving, I’d rather watch reruns of “This Old House” than football. Actually, I’d rather watch reruns of anything besides football.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ll probably throw a few more up to share (after Thanksgiving). Other AIs also have interesting renderings, but processing and showing just one set at a time is more manageable.


    1. Thanks, Carolyn, and Happy Not Yet Thanksgiving to you as well.

      The tool just keeps getting better . . . and that’s just one of them. Plus, this is the public version. I assume what they sell to institutions might be better.

      Liked by 1 person

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