Birds be all messed up

After a number of days of bad weather, we’ve started to have semi-decent mornings. Yes; I’m talking about sunshine. Of course, by the afternoon we have hail, but meanwhile I get to enjoy birds flying around my yard.

Or, I would if they would just follow the rules. But, nooo! This year they decided to be different.

Birds of True Vista

Yes, that is a bluebird on the nest box I built specifically for the swallows. And where are the swallows?

Birds of True Vista

They are on the nest box that according to everything I read is perfect for the bluebirds but is too small for a typical brood of swallows. 

It’s worse than that, of course. If the bluebirds follow the same pattern as previous years, they build the nest and then leave without using it.

Birds 2015

Birds of True Vista

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

Birds 2015 Birds 2015

Meanwhile . . . 

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

Oh well . . . I suppose I should just accept that they know what they are doing.

Meanwhile, some old friends also showed up.

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

The Spotted Towee. I had seen it around, but this time I had my camera. 

Now, here’s one that might be a bit difficult to identify:

Birds 2015

Yes, that is a Robbin. 

Now, can you see the bird in this one?

Birds 2015

That’s right! The American Goldfinch! Good eyes.

I then watched and photographed something I had never seen before. 

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

That’s right . . . the finch perched on a dandelion seed ball, and pulling them out.

Birds of True Vista

Birds of True Vista

Birds of True Vista

I was pretty happy with these shots; the little guy was in the next yard and I was shooting with my 400mm lens through a fence.

Sometimes the birds are difficult to spot . . . 

Birds 2015

. . . and sometimes not.

Birds 2015

Here’s an interesting thing . . . As I said, the swallows normally nest on the box on the west fence, and when they do, they tend to perch on the hangers for the hummingbird feeders. 

Well, apparently the hanger spot comes with occupancy of the box. 

Birds 2015

Birds 2015 Birds 2015

It turns out Western Bluebirds are not as trusting as swallows. These were taken from inside the house, and as soon as I got close to the open slider door, he bolted.

When he did, he went to the maple. His partner was already there.

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

Birds 2015

He then went to the fencepost, where he proceeded to give me the evil eye.

Birds of True Vista

Birds of True Vista

In fact, whenever I shot a photo of the guy, he gave me the evil eye.

Birds 2015

I can see I have my work cut out for me if I want to befriend these guys. Of course, they may follow their usual pattern and be gone in two weeks. 

. . . perhaps it’s best if I just remain detached (but still photographing).

You can click on the photos for a larger version, or you can go to the SmugMug Gallery HERE.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o o o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The one that got away

Astute persons might have noticed these doodles, and correctly surmised they hold some significance for me, and perhaps for humanity at large.  

If you click on the doodle, and nothing happens, this is the link it’s supposed to go to:


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

28 thoughts on “Birds be all messed up

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    1. Thank you; it was nice that the weather collaborated for a chance. There have not been many days I could stand out there with my camera.


  1. The Western Bluebird shots are really outstanding.
    I will attempt to put in two houses but not until fall when, hopefully, the yard work is completed. I will need to trim some branches so I can get a clear shot from my south window. Sill, I might need a 2X extender or a 600mm lens to get shots as good as these.


    1. Or, you can have a place for them to perch close to the house. The boxes themselves are about 50-75 feet from the house depending where I stand, but the nice shots are taken from less than 15 feet away.


  2. Hahaha! This is a great post! The pictures are great, as they always are, and I love the idea that you actually have The Mad Bluebird and his wife nesting in your yard! Hope the tree swallows manage okay…they clearly want to nest in your yard.


    1. The swallows used to nest in the bluebird boxes before I built the new one for them, so I think they will be OK if they remain there. I’ve not seen the bluebirds now for two mornings, so I don’t know if they already moved on. We’ll see.


  3. I really enjoyed your photos of all the birds. Interesting shots of the goldfinch pulling the dandelions seeds puffs to use as nesting or eating. Not sure which. I know they like the itty bitty niger seeds that we Texans put out for then in the winter.


    1. When we lived in Michigan we would buy 30lb bags of them. All combined, we probably went through 150lb of seed a year. As for pulling the seeds, it did not look like he was gathering them. I think he was eating them, but I can’t be sure of it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This post:

        Bountiful Birds – Harlincin Ct. – January 2004

        Shows some of our winter feeders (excluding the suet feeders; those were away from the house). Did not do niger in the winter because they leave a mess on the ground. Same reason why we switched from sunflower seeds to sunflower hearts.

        We used to get a lot of birds. I stopped feeding birds here in Colorado as they attract bears. Also, lots of mice start coming around the house.


  4. Birds are like women…they only have rules related to everyone else! 😉 😛 And they have the right to change their mind on a whim whenever and wherever they want to! 😉 😀 It’s best for men to just smile and go with the flow! 😉

    Superb birdy shots, Emilio! 🙂

    HA! I love the guy giving you the evil eye! 🙂

    HUGS and Happy Sat-Day to you and Melisa! Hope you get to do some sat-ting! 🙂


  5. I suppose you could put little signs on the birdhouses … 😉
    What is it about bluebirds being able to glare so effectively? (Google angry bluebird image) They’ve made an art of it.


  6. Hi. Came across your blog via RoughSeas. Love reading her comment strands….
    Your post reminded me of the swallows of my youth. As a child they would arrive late Sept /early Oct as they do each year and build their mud nests on our stoeps much to my parents dismay, resulting in a ‘knocking down the nest’ war. Now that they (said parents) have become twitches in their later years the swallows nest happily holding hallowed court in the home of my youth while the ‘Paparazzi’ follow their every move. Lovely pics in your post!


  7. I had to read this post first before your update and must say your doodle above is up to par with your bird photos! And as for the bird brains, it’s no use arguing with them.


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