Hummers of Summer 2012 – Part One

This will be a quick post.  It is the first of my 2012 hummingbirds post.  Not sure yet how many I will have.

There are thirty-four photos in the SmugMug gallery.  Any hummingbird lover would be foolish to limit themselves to just reading the blog.  For one thing, there is not much in the way of my usual witty banter (perhaps a perk).

For another, there is no narrative.  No tales to be told.  Just pictures of hummingbirds.  Little jewels sparkling in the sun.  They really deserve to be seen in the best possible way, and that is the SmugMug gallery.  However, for those who likely don’t even read the few words I just wrote, here is a sample of the pictures.

Rufous Female
Rufous Female

There are three species of hummingbirds that come through here.  Broad-Tailed, Rufous (migration only), and Calliope hummingbirds.  The males are quite distinct, but the females are similar enough to be confused for each other, especially when immature. 

Of course, they don’t have any problems telling themselves apart, but I do.  I offer my opinion on the species, but do not guarantee my accuracy (unless it’s a male).

Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird
Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird
Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird
Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird
Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird
Broad-Tailed Male Hummingbird. Caught in mid-lounge toward the nectar.
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird
Rufous Female hummingbird.   Classic pose, and I love the see-through-the-wing-feathers bit.
Rufous Female hummingbird.
Classic pose, and I love the see-through-the-wing-feathers bit.
Rufous Female hummingbird.   This pose is when they are warning off other birds coming to the feeder.
Rufous Female hummingbird.
This pose is when they are warning off other birds coming to the feeder.
Also a Rufous female, only older. Those throat spots will turn iridescent orange when the light hits them just right.
Also a Rufous female, only older. Those throat spots will turn iridescent orange when the light hits them just right.
Rufous Female Hummingbird
Rufous Female Hummingbird
Rufous Female Hummingbird
Rufous Female Hummingbird
Rufous Female Hummingbird
Rufous Female Hummingbird

Thanks for perusing my stuff.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

27 thoughts on “Hummers of Summer 2012 – Part One

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  1. Oh how I love those little gems. I used to have a feeder by the dining room window where we’d watch the Rufous and Anna’s at our feeders. One species (can’t remember which) used to be resident year round, the other would be a massive migration that would have me putting out a gallon of sugar water daily. These guys were really feisty. They are such a treat. Still trying to find a good location for feeders here at the new house. Thanks for the lovely shots of your little darlings.


    1. I be the Hummer Whisperer . . . or, they are gearing up for a 2,000 mile migration, and getting food is more important than worrying about an old guy with a camera.


  2. We had a particularly cold winter two years ago and our hummers haven’t come back. I’m hoping that next year they will.

    Lovely shots! (heading over to SmugMug now . . . )


        1. I’m glad. I know it takes more time, and some people are happy with the blog photos, but some find it rewarding, and I think those who do get a better view of the subject(s).


        2. Your posted photos are usually pretty extensive as they are, Emilio…but your SM gallery does show a bit more detail. I always enjoy the extra shots….


    1. If I had a million subscribers, and they each gave me a dime per year, I would be able to.
      . . . and if I had a billion subscribers, and they each gave me a penny (only once, I’m not greedy), I would promise a post like this every day.


    1. We have lots of magpies here as well . . . quite bothersome, when they hang around the house making all sorts of weird noises.

      . . . but I would sure like to see them in the rain. It has not rained here for over a month.


  3. Tough to comment on perfection . . . it appears to me that perfection/beauty is the domain of the senses, not the brain . . .


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