Playing Around with Dream AI by WOMBO – 25JUL2024

I previously posted a similar image and a different version of the following.

Both result from random prompts I throw at Dream AI when I’m bored. Sometimes, when I go to bed, I take a few minutes to shoot out a couple of dozen images.

Counting images from the first efforts, I have over 4,000 renderings. Since I did the last update in January (HERE), I believe I’ve generated around 700 images, or roughly 100 a day, although since I miss many days, there are other days where I do a lot more than 100.

Anyway, my prompts span a wide range of subjects . . .

Typically, I do open prompts, letting the program choose the direction of the renderings. Occasionally, I give a seed image. I have one such series I’ll share shortly, but for this post, I wanted to highlight renderings when I ask for abstract designs with vivid colors (that’s literally the only direction I give).

Here’s a sampling of them:

While some look great, directing the program to output specific things is much more difficult. Often, the more specific one gets, the less faithful the rendering is to the intent of the prompt.

Again, I don’t spend much time with the AI programs (I’ve not even tried ChatGPT since last year, let alone any others), so I’m sure some users can “direct” these tools toward a more faithful rendering of their prompts.

I did this post because I originally grouped these files with another post I’m working on but then decided they are better served in a post all their own.

The SmugMug Gallery for these images is HERE, and I turned on the download button for the images. I only ask that anyone who uses the images credit the source (me).

Click on the link below for the slideshow:

Slideshow (12 images)

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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Note 2: Sharing a link that points back here is perfectly OK.


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10 thoughts on “Playing Around with Dream AI by WOMBO – 25JUL2024

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  1. I love the abstract ones with all those great colors, however, I will admit that the apples got more of my attention. All in all, AI did well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ll be honest with you – I don’t know what to think about the whole AI imaging thing right now. It’s evident that this art form is in it’s infancy and has tremendous potential. It’s obvious that with the right prompts you can generate some wonderful images but would they be yours? I wonder if several folks gave the same prompts to the same AI if all the images would be similar in design and rendition. I’m rather fond of those colorful abstracts. I think I should get more involved. Winter project? Open the pod bay doors, HAL!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For me, it’s a distraction and occasional pastime.

      I’m not following much of the AI development in either writing or image generation. Because those are two of my hobbies, I have little interest in letting some AI replace or even augment what I do.

      Mostly because, much like the images above, I can’t really get behind those images being ‘mine’. I like them, and it’s interesting, but only to a certain point.

      That said, as a distraction it can pass a few minutes and hold my attention, but it holds much less wonder than it originally held.

      Even some of the best images created by people who dedicate a lot of time and effort to using the tools fail to impress me because at the core, there no physical connection between what’s being produced and the human claiming ownership of it. And, of course, there is no actual Intelligence in AI . . . Maybe someday there will be, and then there might be hell to pay.

      If you plan to play with it, at least as of right now, I would rank Midjourney and Dream by Wombo as the two that disappoint me much less than the others. Midjourney is fairly costly to use ($10/month at the base level) so I no longer use it.

      Dream has a modest yearly fee ($29/year when I started, but the cost might be higher now), but can also be used for free with some options turned off (nothing that changes the functionality; just less styles to choose from and only one rendering at a time instead of four).

      Other AI offerings have various modes of paid and free usage, but I’m rarely happy with the results (Microsoft’s and Google’s offerings). I’m speaking strictly about image generation since I’ve not used them for interactive conversation or to generate text since last year.

      All that said, it’s worth playing with it just to explore the function and gain some familiarity.

      As far as actual useful application, the integration of generative AI in Photoshop and other photo post-processing tools shows promise and can be useful in some situation (like removing unwanted objects).

      Anyway, certainly worthy of a Winter project.


  3. I really enjoyed the slideshow! I love the colors, motion, details, and power in each of these! If I had to pick a fave, I couldn’t…but I must say the hummingbird AND the lighted windows at night really made me smile. 🙂
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Carolyn.

      The bold colors in some of these are eye-catching for sure. And yes, there’s something about looking at lit windows from outside that evokes feelings of safety and shelter. Probably something calling out to our past, when most of the world was in darkness

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, GP. I can’t really claim much ownership to these, but I’ll pass your compliment to the AI . . . which, sadly, won’t understand it.

      Thanks for visiting.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve heard it said that AI will put a lot of people out of work. From what I see above, it seems to me that a lot of artistic painters will be applying for the dole very soon!


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