Dream AI by WOMBO — The Avatar Files

So, Dream AI added an Avatar option. What does that mean?

Well, you upload a photo (just the face), and give it a prompt. For the image above, I uploaded a photo of my mother, said she did cross stitch, and that’s what it generated.

There are certainly elements of her in the visage, but it’s obviously stylized.

The same for my sister AnnMarie who does watercolors . . .

. . . my sister Louise who is a scrapbooking queen . . .

. . . and for me, I said writer . . .

It’s odd that it gave me a goatee since I don’t have one. It also appears to have assumed I keep what little hair I have left slicked back and long. Not.

Here’s my mother as a librarian . . .

As mentioned, there are elements of the person, but the app is not consistent in representing the facial feature, with a fair amount of variance between renderings.

There are more versions in the gallery, but the above gives you an idea of how they can vary.

For instance, here’s a version of me as an ice cream truck driver . . .

At least I lost the goatee. I think that has to be a pedal toy truck as there’s no way that has an engine in it. I’m pretty sure kids would not want to come anywhere near that thing.

Here’s me as an evil wizard . . . although I don’t look all that evil. I mean, some people might think so, but that’s close to how I normally look (it helps in keeping people from approaching me).

Again with the goatee!

Choosing a more ‘evil’ image got me this:

Going back to the original photo, here’s a rendering of me as Cruella . . .

Hey! How about that!? . . . no goatee . . .

I then tried Viking (or something) . . .

. . . huh! . . . a smiling, friendly-like Viking about to bash you with a hammer-like implement that’s lacking a proper handle. But, hey! … look at them biceps!

. . . not liking the mullet, though. Not above, and not in the next image of me as a caveman.

I think my neck fell down into my biceps . . . Look at them things! Almost like the real ones!

I kept going . . . me as an old cowboy . . .

. . . as a superhero (I just specified superhero; it picked the costume) . . .

Not even close to what I look (or ever looked) like.

. . . as an older superhero . . .

Again, not really what I look like, but at least I’m wearing my underwear on the inside. Another superhero . . .

No mask, though. A little closer to my photo? Maybe . . . you be the judge:

From 2019

Not sure which superhero is represented by this next rendering . . .

Maybe The Milkman?

Here’s me as a swordsmith . . .

. . . as a surfer . . .

. . . and a snowboarder . . .

Is that me as Bill Murray with half a goatee?!?

I never realized I shared features with Bill. The last time I shared features with anyone was in my 30s when I was told I resembled Billy Crystal. I never saw that, but I definitely see Murray in these renderings.

Me doing an impression of a cat . . .

Here’s a watercolor of me as a tired and disillusioned old man . . . or Bill Murray.

But back to my mother, here she is as a Paladin . . .

She was and — through the years — remains a fighter . . .

. . . from her MMA years . . .
. . . the Senior Circuit . . .
. . . and she can probably still kick your ass!

Us kids are fighters too . . .

OK, maybe we don’t look quite that good, but still . . . fighters!

I need to clarify I don’t describe the avatars in detail. I said superhero, surfer, boxer, etc., and the app does the rest.

By the way, the scowling images of me come from this shot taken shortly after the one I shared above (I had just cut my hair).

From 2019

Anyway, I’m not sure how often I’ll use this feature of the app since I don’t snap many photos of people (I had to hunt around for the ones used in this post). Still, it was interesting playing with it.

Again, while there are elements of the original, there’s a fair amount of variance in the renderings.

If you want to see a slideshow of the above (with a few extra images), click the link below.


That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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15 thoughts on “Dream AI by WOMBO — The Avatar Files

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  1. I’m waiting to read the comments on this post . . . LOL!!!

    Anyway, mother and I had a great time looking and laughing at these photos, especially me as a fighter (love that dark pony tail, gonna have to get me one!). Louise, as always, looks stunning, and I just love you as Cruella!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have to admire your bravery for publishing the self-portraits and the AI portraits. I’m glad you chose a very flattering portrait of your mom for the treatments. She would be very happy with them I have no doubt. Not counting the unintentional selfies, I did publish one self-portrait here:

    9 25 20

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I remember that one . . . it gave me the idea for a similar selfie on one of my cruises (I like to copy — but can’t match — what you do).

      As for bravery . . . well, considering it’s now four years later and also considering what we all went — and are still going — through, those are much more flattering than any current version (which you’ll note I’m not sharing).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh! These are wonderful! Beautiful subjects! Such fun fun FUN images!!! 🙂
    My one Grandpa-in-law was from Norway…my other Grandpa-in-law born in Denmark. The one from Norway said, “Never trust a smiling Viking.” I said, “Can I trust one that is not smiling?” and he smiled. Ha! He loved to tease! 😀
    (((HUGS))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


    1. Thanks, Jen.

      I got permission from my family to process and post these. It also helps that I’m the only one who might have cause to be displeased with the results . . . but I long ago came to terms with my looks.

      Not that I’m proud of how I look, but I’ve come to appreciate how it helps keep people from approaching me (mostly).


      1. Woah, slow down your horses there, pardner! I mean you’re all lovely and handsome folks (truly!) and the majority of avatars are quite clever and fun. I just meant that some of the avatars’ faces were a little “intense”. For example, if I were a patron at your mom’s library, I might be a little hesitant to return my books late. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Irony, Jen, irony . . . or a false modesty ploy to garner praise. No, it’s just irony.

        . . . except the bit about keeping people from approaching me.

        As for the intense look, I think, in part, it’s because the AI doesn’t do smiles and eyes very well. They look a bit off, and hence . . . well, you should never return your books late anyway.

        Liked by 1 person

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