Dispenser breakfast

It's been a while since I've done a breakfast (or other alimentary) post. There are three breakfasts I eat fairly regularly: Cheerios with walnuts and almonds and fruit (when available), oatmeal with cream cheese and two eggs, and scrambled eggs with toast. Today (Friday the 23rd) I had eggs with toast. I began with olive... Continue Reading →

Non-idle hands, and all that

Sometimes life has one sit and wait for stuff to happen. Like, for instance, a few times this week. Well, then, one takes out their Note 8 — if one has a Note 8 — and snaps a few photos. Those were hanging in a dentist's office, of all places. Other times, one takes out... Continue Reading →

Note 8 and Snapseed

I mentioned the Doves doing what Doves do . . . and they done did it under my nose. Well, not literally but I was too slow in denying them a nesting spot in my gutters. By the way, them not interested in reading what I write can go directly to . . . the... Continue Reading →

One more post from the Note 8

I should be transitioning to my PC as early as tomorrow (this being Saturday, here on the Big Island). However, I had worked on some photos for a phone update, so I'll use them. Warning: this will not be a long post. First, an original doodle . . . It don't look like much, but a... Continue Reading →

Yes, Note 8 also for photos

Just a quick post with a few photos — and variations thereof — from my Samsung Note 8. On average, I snap roughly two to three photos a day using my phone. The majority never see the light of blog unless I take the time to play with them.  What do I mean by that?... Continue Reading →

January Snow Day

I posted the chair and table shot, but I had more . . . I felt guilty about not using them. I'ts almost like neglecting one's children (only cheaper). These next two shots are taken about eight hours apart . . .  That's the view from our bedroom, looking out to the back yard and our... Continue Reading →

I had an idea . . .

. . . and Melisa actualized it  . . .  I also have a radiometer (it's spinning but since it's a still, you can't see it) and a tiny ghost. That's it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below. <><><><><><><><o><><><><><><><><><o><><><><><><><> Note: if you are not reading this blog post at Disperser.Wordpress.com, know that it... Continue Reading →

Rosie’s Diner

Some time ago I read a story on one of the blogs I follow (HERE) entitled Rosie's Diner. Coincidentally, we have a Rosie's Diner here in Monument, Colorado.  Now, we don't eat out much, but I told the owner of the blog I would take some photos next time I went there . . .... Continue Reading →

Going Terminal B

We are back at the airport, waiting to catch Disney's Magical Express . . . . . . We like kids, really we do, but in large quantities we like them best quiet and nearby, or noisy and very far away. What we don't like much is noisy and nearby. . . . I can't... Continue Reading →

The Florida Keys

Yup! Those are my Florida keys. Driving a Corolla, I am, with all four of the cylinders under the hood working to make it seem as if there were twice as many cylinders hiding under there, and not making me believe there are even 1.5 as many. Last night (1:30 this morning) my eyes, body,... Continue Reading →

Viki! Good to see you.

From 1988 on, my vehicles were all something with heft.  First a pickup, then a Suburban, then another Suburban.  In 2010 I sold the last Suburban I owned to the daughter of our office manager.  You can read about it HERE. I miss the Big Beige Beast; there is nothing quite like driving a Suburban.... Continue Reading →

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