Quick Post: Before and After Treatment

Original: After Treatment <><><><><o><><><><><><><><><o><><><><> Note: if you are not reading this blog post at Disperser.Wordpress.com, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals. <><><><><o><><><><><><><><><o><><><><> Please know I will decline blogger-to-blogger awards.   I appreciate the intent... Continue Reading →


There are times when my disgust for some human beings affects my ability to relax, to think, to enjoy the moments I have left on this miserable rock.   Sometimes it's the person putting other people at risk by driving like a dick.  Sometimes it's crossing obnoxious and uncaring assholes as one goes about life.... Continue Reading →

The Power of Words

I came across this video.  Yes, it is an ad.  Yes, it's contrived.  But for writers, and secondarily for everyone, it shows an example of saying the same thing, but with different words.   As contrived as it was, admit it . . . you felt it too.  Words do matter, both spoken and written.... Continue Reading →

Spinning Redux

Apparently YouTube is rather sensitive about using stuff with logos or product names. In response, I am adding/replacing a few videos.  Namely, I'm replacing the Pellegrino bottle with the naked version of the same bottle.  Plus, I happened to spin one of the cans we use to hold coffee beans . . . and guess... Continue Reading →

Spinning Is as Spinning Does

Apparently, I am annoying on a number of levels, and for many reasons.  Something which annoys others to no end, and it has mystified me as to why it is so, is my propensity to spin stuff.  I like to spin coins, rings, and anything which looks like it can be spun. Better yet, I... Continue Reading →

Another Potential (Expensive) Pastime

So, I'm not likely to ever duplicate Matt's effort to bring together a multitude of people and provide inspiration/entertainment/joy to literally millions.   . . . but this is actually within the range of both my means and abilities . . . I've already shared this next one on FaceBook, Pinterest, and regular e-mail, but... Continue Reading →

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