Halloweens That Were

Some readers (one) made mention of traveling back in time and reading my prior Halloween offerings. "Good luck with that!" I thought, "Time travel is kind of messy." It turns out they meant revisiting my prior Halloween posts. Well, ever the show-off, I figured I'd lend a helping hand. This blog was born in March... Continue Reading →

Halloween 2019 Offering

Another Halloween . . . not that we celebrate, but I used to write Halloween short stories. Not always, but I at least offered up a graphic or photo. The last few years, I used the free PanosFx Spooky Halloween Photoshop Action to create the graphics. You can find some of the posts (and read... Continue Reading →

Moon Reflections

Last month, on a clear night, next to a gently lapping lake, the moon offered up a visual treat as it danced on the uneven water surface.  I had a particular version of this image in mind . . . I wanted the details of the moon to show up in the reflected image.  Alas,... Continue Reading →


So, it's November 2 and the last remnants of Halloween decorations are being taken down and replaced with Christmas decorations.  I don't decorate for Christmas but I did take the Halloween decorations down  . . . unfortunately, I don't have storage for them, so I piled them up in the corner.  If you didn't see... Continue Reading →

The Halloween 2017 Post

Occasionally, I do stuff for Halloween. I might do a picture, or write a story, or both. Once again, this year it's both. But, like last year, I'm not doing a photo. Rather, again I used a free action from PanosFX.  Everything in that picture was positioned and scaled by me. He does good work, he... Continue Reading →

The Halloween 2016 Post

Occasionally, I do stuff for Halloween. I might do a picture, or write a story, or both. This year is both . . . almost.  That is obviously not a photo. Would you believe I made that in like ten minutes in Photoshop? Yup. Ten minutes, maybe less.  I used a free action from PanosFX.... Continue Reading →

Happy Holidays 2015!

As neglectful as I've been with this blog lately, I figure I should take a little bit of time from my Getting Published efforts and acknowledge what my readers mean to me. I have three short stories and last year's  NaNoWriMo novel submitted. In addition, I'm composing queries letters to agents (easier to break into... Continue Reading →

May 2015 Calendar

I've been gone a month . . . not that the casual reader might have noticed.  Sure, I had a disclaimer at the beginning of each post, but I had scheduled posts as Disperser Tracks 'heartbeats' of sorts, keeping the blog live. What I had not mentioned was that I scheduled thirty heartbeats, one for... Continue Reading →

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