Happy Mother’s Day 2024!

I'm thankful for a lot about my mother, but if I were to narrow it down to just one thing, it would be my sense of humor. Despite difficult times, all four of us kids — sadly, only three now — grew up with the ability to laugh despite—if not in spite—of the circumstances. Humor... Continue Reading →

Quick update May 13, 2023

I follow the Cosmic Focus blog for excellent astrophotos. I'm amazed at the quality of photos that can be captured by backyard telescopes and cameras (albeit trending toward the high end of the consumer market). Already having more interests than time — with more waiting in the wings (interests, not time... that's running out way... Continue Reading →

Quick Update 25APR23

I'll be traveling for a while, so I might only be sporadically active. The regular weekly posts will still go live at their appropriate times (scheduled ahead of time, they be), but other stuff (including reading and interacting with other blogs) might suffer. Here are a few (31) of the mega-bigly-ultra number of AI-generated images... Continue Reading →

Some Dream by WOMBO creations

So, whenever I need to pass some time (waiting for stuff, waiting in the car, etc.), I play with Dream AI by WOMBO. The above is a rendering from the prompt "steampunk spaceship". Each prompt gets me four renderings. I may save all four or none, depending on how they look. Here's another from the... Continue Reading →

A quick post about stats

Dream by Wombo abstract I came across something recently that has me puzzled. It has to do with stats, something I don't look at too often. This next image is a screen capture from today's Jetpack Stats. It's the numbers for the last seven days and the weekly numbers, I want to draw attention to... Continue Reading →

A single hummingbird

Dream AI by WOMBO Most of my days are pretty good. Not fantastic, mind you . . . no one showers me with accolades, money, and songs, but also no one is calling me names, spitting on me, or kicking me. I get up, have a coffee, feed the birds, do a few things, go... Continue Reading →

Denuded Tree Branches

The above is the photo as it came out of the camera on a cloudy late November 2022 day. I then used a number of software packages to get a few different 'looks' of the branches. Here's the slideshow of the above images: Slideshow of the Denuded Tree Branches Gallery — 14 images And, yes,... Continue Reading →

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