1957 Chevy Bel Air – Monochrome Version

This is a companion post to the previous post about a 1957 Chevy Bel Air I saw sitting by its lonesome in the parking lot of the Cornerstone Church (one of them make-the-pastor-rich mega-churches). I mentioned I partially channeled oneowner, but these versions are in monochrome, so it's even less of a partial channeling. These... Continue Reading →

1957 Chevy Bel Air

As mentioned in yesterday's post (LINK), while on my way back home from a quick shopping run, I saw the above car (a 1957 Chevy Bel Air)sitting by its lonesome in the parking lot of the Cornerstone Church (one of them make-the-pastor-rich mega-churches). While in the previous post I enjoyed 'repositioning' the car in various... Continue Reading →

Eclipse — April 8, 2024 — Marion, IL

Nikon D7500 - 1/5000 sec at f/6.3, ISO 32000 OK, here are my few photos from yesterday's (April 8, 2024) eclipse. Don't expect much as this is more about me documenting the effort for myself than showing off amazing images . . . which I don't have. I have images I'm happy with, especially considering... Continue Reading →

Magnolia and Pine

~ 1 ~ I went to get the mail, and this was on the sidewalk. Normally, I dislike our Magnolia tree because it is messy . . . but here, I saw an opportunity to play with the image I shot with my phone. ~ 2 ~ I learned from oneowner that some subjects are... Continue Reading →

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