1957 Chevy Bel Air – Monochrome Version

This is a companion post to the previous post about a 1957 Chevy Bel Air I saw sitting by its lonesome in the parking lot of the Cornerstone Church (one of them make-the-pastor-rich mega-churches). I mentioned I partially channeled oneowner, but these versions are in monochrome, so it's even less of a partial channeling. These... Continue Reading →

1957 Chevy Bel Air

As mentioned in yesterday's post (LINK), while on my way back home from a quick shopping run, I saw the above car (a 1957 Chevy Bel Air)sitting by its lonesome in the parking lot of the Cornerstone Church (one of them make-the-pastor-rich mega-churches). While in the previous post I enjoyed 'repositioning' the car in various... Continue Reading →

Chevy Bel-Air Repositioned

I was driving past the Cornerstone Church when I saw this car parked there. I snapped a bunch of photos which I will process and post, but this is a quick post about using Photoshop's Generative Fill (basically, an AI-driven image generator) to 'reposition' the car in what I think are better surroundings. This being... Continue Reading →

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