Photo Processing Tools

Warning: this is all about photo processing; if not interested, just look at the photos or watch this slideshow: Slideshow of Photo Processing Tools (40 photos) Readers occasionally comment favorably on my photos . . . and I typically downplay any thoughts that my skills as a photographer are of any note. This is especially... Continue Reading →

Fields and Fur (and more) — Nikon D7500

For them not interested in reading, you can see the photos in THIS<<link SmugMug Gallery.   For a SmugMug slideshow, click HERE<<link. When you click the link, it will open in a new window, and you have two options:1) Manually scroll through the photos by clicking the "<" and ">" symbols to the left or right of the... Continue Reading →

Fields and Fur — Note 20 Ultra

For them not interested in reading, you can see the photos in THIS<<link SmugMug Gallery.   For a SmugMug slideshow, click HERE<<link. When you click the link, it will open in a new window, and you have two options:1) Manually scroll through the photos by clicking the "<" and ">" symbols to the left or right of the... Continue Reading →

I don’t know landscapes

Nota Bene: if you are reading this on the Reader, and if you are using a Dark Theme or Dark Mode, AND if you are on an Android device . . . well, then, you're likely not able to read this post (or many of my previous posts). Let me repeat this using a white... Continue Reading →

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