Itsy Bitsy Jumping Spider

I’ve had one other encounter with jumping spiders, and I still feel bad about it (HERE – by the way, there’s an account by the spider in the comments).

I rarely kill bugs, preferring to relocate them outside the home. I kill roaches, but now that we’re no longer in Hawaiʻi, I rarely see any, and certainly not in the house. I also kill ants, but I feel bad about it.

It’s just that it’s not practical to capture and relocate them; the roaches because they are too fast to catch, and ants because there are many and so small.

Outdoors, I prefer to photograph insects as opposed to killing them — mosquitoes excluded, but even then, I don’t go out of my way to kill them unless they aim to feast on me.

Anyway, around the middle of October, I still had hummingbird feeders out. I always check for bugs when I bring them in to clean and refill them. One, because I don’t want bugs in the house, and two, because I run the feeders under scalding water, and any bug hitching a ride would end up being boiled alive.

Anyway, I did a visual inspection of the feeder I was refilling and brought it in to clean it. The moment I ran the hot water, I thought I caught a tiny movement . . . I quickly turned the water off and examined the sink. Yup . . . a very small bug was trying to keep from being carried by the water down the drain.

After rescuing it, I realized it was a tiny jumping spider. I realized it because it jumped. By the way, jumping spiders will readily jump on you. As long as you don’t mess with them, they won’t bite.

Anyway, this guy was too small to give any significant bites, and after I put him (her?) into a styrofoam container, I went and got the camera.

Cute, ain’t he (she?)? I believe it’s a Tan Jumping Spider. After reading about them, I think that’s a male.

I briefly considered keeping it as a pet. For anyone interested in getting started with keeping jumping spiders as pets, I give you THIS site.

The thing is, I wasn’t prepared . . . I would have to order a suitable container, create a suitable habitat, and provide it with food.

In the end, I returned it outside, but not at the feeders. I have some rocks with lots of crevices that I thought might be a good place for it.

It’s difficult to tell from the photos, but I would say this spider was small — 2-3 millimeters. Really, by the naked eye, it was difficult to even see clearly.

Anyway, it was a fun little diversion, and I might look into preparing a nice habitat in case I come across another one.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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11 thoughts on “Itsy Bitsy Jumping Spider

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    1. I should have taken a wider shot, and now you got me wondering about my estimate (it’s an engineering thing).

      This is the widest photo I have, shot with 100mm macro. The curvature is part of a styrofoam bowl with a 75mm diameter base (~3″).

      I just went and put a scale to the bowl to see what 2-3mm looks like next to the curvature relative to what I saw, and I’d say my estimate is pretty close. Definitely no more than 3mm, and probably smaller.

      I really should remember to have some reference objects when I snap photos of things. I can say that neither the styrofoam cells nor the tiny crumbs were visible to the naked eye, even when wearing my reading glasses.

      In fact, it’s why I snapped the photos . . . to identify what it was.

      Here’s some info:
      Female tan jumping spiders are 0.39-0.51 inches (10-13 mm), and males are 0.33-0.37 inches (8.5-9.5 mm). A spiderling is about 1/100th the size of the adult. Spiderlings are actually fed milk by the mother for up to 40 days.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A while back, I was bitten by a little guy that looked like this, It stung like a bee and my arm swelled up like a balloon. While they are photogenic, I treat them as poisonous. But I do keep a cleaned out salsa jar handy at all times.


    1. You must be allergic to jumping or spiders, or both.

      Seriously, This guy was so small that I have a hard time believing it could penetrate the skin. An adult, yes.

      Then again, no-see-ums sting like all heck, and they are, duh, so small that you can’t see them.

      The link about jumping spiders in the post talks about their bites. Regardless, unless wearing work leather gloves, I rarely handle insects. I tend to use sticks, leaves, paper towels, 2x4s, chairs, or anything that’s handy.


    1. He looks a bit young for the tale . . . perhaps he has aspirations of being in an epic tale, but I would like to think him smarter than going up the water spout.

      Thanks, Carolyn, and happy weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HA! He does! And surely he is too smart!
        Back in the 1970’s, my hubby and I were looking in a Jumping Spider exhibit at a spider/reptile/etc “house”. And I said, “I can’t see the Jumping Spider in there.” My hubby exclaims, “It’s because he isn’t in there…he’s on your back!”
        Guess what? People in public don’t like it when you scream. They give you dirty looks. Oh, well. HA!


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