Testing how the polls work

This is a test of how polls work. In theory, you should only be able to cast one vote.

HOWEVER, you should be able to CHANGE your vote.

Meaning, if you vote for “A”, you cannot vote for “A” again.

BUT . . . you should be able to go back in and vote for “B”, and it should let you, but remove your vote from “A” (reduce the vote count by one).

This post is to test this.

If you want to try it, vote for one of the letters, view the results, go back to the poll, and vote for a different letter, view the results again. If the poll is adding your new vote and not taking away your old one, then it means it’s not working correctly and I’d like to know (leave a comment below).

EDITED TO ADD: it looks like once you cast your vote, you cannot change it. I’ll research this a bit more, but that’s how the poll is acting. One vote per reader.

At the very least, you should NOT be able to vote twice for the same choice. Again, let me know.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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6 thoughts on “Testing how the polls work

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  1. I voted for letter B, which had not been chosen yet, and the results showed my choice right away. I then went back to vote on E, which is still unvoted, and the results showed nothing changed. I went back to vote for B, but again, the results remain unchanged.


    1. Yes, it seems that once you vote, you can no longer change the vote. Perhaps that changed when PollDaddy changed to CrowdSignal, or perhaps I’m just remembering wrong and it was never the case that you could change your vote.


    2. I do remember clearly that in your very earliest polls I had tried to change my vote and could not do it. I also recall that at the start of your Alphabet stories I voted, changed my mind, and went back to try to change it, but again, it would not allow me.


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