Disregard this post

Sorry about this . . .

. . . a rare mistake in publishing a post.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it’s copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intentions, like attracting you to a malware-infested website. Could be they also torture small mammals.

Note 2: it’s perfectly OK to share a link that points back here.


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4 thoughts on “Disregard this post

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    1. OK, an explanation, although it may be confusing for them who don’t do posts . . .

      I had the idea of having a post for each of the writers linking to their stories. This post was originally titled “Perry’s stories” but then I decided to include all the stories in one post since that’s not too many lines. So, I added the other two writers and changed the title to “all stories” — That’s the title of the post after this post.

      Unfortunately, in one of my edits, I hit the UNDO (Cntl-Z) and when I didn’t see the change, I hit it again. What I didn’t realize is that it reverted the title back to “perry’s stories.

      I only noticed that when I published the post and wanted to copy the link. You can see that the URL for this post has the original title:

      Disregard this post

      Once published, changing the title alone does not change the link. Editing the link and/or deleting the post ends up with readers getting a 404 message (page not found, link invalid, etc.)

      Subscribers to my blog got a notice of the original post, and if they follow the link (as many do) they at least have an explanation of why they don’t see what they saw in their email notification as opposed to wondering why their link didn’t work.

      But, I didn’t want to leave the original title in case anyone was browsing the blog (it happens, really!), so I changed the title to “Disregard” . . . knowing full well people will still hit it to see what they are supposed to disregard.

      Some users hit “like” on the notification email as a way to getting to the blog (I do that sometimes so that I remember to “like” the post even if I don’t comment). Meaning, I hit like in the email notification and it takes me to the post. I read the post, and if I then don’t want to comment, I can close it without having to remember to “like” it to let people know I read it. That’s probably why I got so many likes.

      Side note: Not all posts have that option enabled (same for comments).

      Anyway, that’s probably more confusing than no explanation, but that’s the nature of me . . . ask me a question and I will confuse you more than you were before you asked the question.

      Liked by 2 people

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