Thistle time for “O” stories voting

Four days left in The Alphabet Challenge “O” Stories round and it’s looking to be a low participation round. It happens, and we hope for better in the future, and I’m almost past even asking . . .  

. . . but, just in case, if you’ve not already done so — please read the stories and then cast a vote for your favorite of the three. Links to the stories and the poll for voting for “Alphabet Challenge O-Stories” are HERE.<<link

This will be a quick post because I’m busy . . . so, here are a few photos of thistle flowers . . .

I should try to grow some . . . I hear they are low maintenance and I know bees and other insects like them.

I think I’ll just post the rest in a gallery and call it quits . . .

The SmugMug Gallery of these reminders photos is HERE<<<Link. The details are even better there than here.

For them who have already read and voted, a different kind of treat . . .

. . . HERE<<link is a link to a post from 2015. Some rocks, flowers, insects, and a ssnake . . . what more could one want?

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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4 thoughts on “Thistle time for “O” stories voting

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  1. Ooh! Thistle be the best post ever!!! (HA!)

    Some places in CA the thistles grow abundantly wild and are so beautiful! I always enjoyed seeing them! Not sure if there are any tame thistles there.

    Love your close up portraits of the thistles.

    Now I have the word whistles in my head.

    Now I thought of a joke…
    Looking at some thistles, one caveman says, “You know, I bet if we steamed that and dipped it in some ketchup it wouldn’t taste half bad.”
    Other caveman responds: “That or use it as some kind of weapon.”

    HUGS!!! 🙂


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