I Feel B&G&W . . . in Magnolia

I was curious, so I tried a few conversions to Black & Gray & White. I only used the seeds as I think those are more interesting than the flowers.

I used Nik Tools Silver Efex Pro 2 with custom settings I have saved from previous work.

Normally, I would edit each photo individually but I just wanted to put this out there quick since it was done on a whim.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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8 thoughts on “I Feel B&G&W . . . in Magnolia

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  1. Excellent conversions! And this will help me with studying values and comparing them with the color versions (something very valuable when painting).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. Same details, different visual triggers and hence different perception of the scene. I think we speculated before the absence of color narrows our focus of the subject. Or, it could be the range of grays from black to white are more delineated and don’t bleed into each other whereas colors affect our perception of nearby colors.

      Whatever the reason, B&G&W treatments work well for some subjects. I don’t think they work as well in landscapes unless the scene itself has lots of different contrasting areas and stark features.

      . . . or, I could be BS-ing about stuff I know nothing about.

      Liked by 1 person

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