I looked for Rupes Recta

I came across THIS site and instantly reawakened my interest in astronomical observations.

Er . . . I don’t mean making my tremendously insightful, wise, and deep commentaries on the nature of the Universe and Humans  in particular.

No, I mean looking at objects inhabiting our Universe, specifically those observable after the sun sets and with clear skies. You know; Moon, stars, UFOs.

I know, I know, I don’t need yet another hobby intruding and diluting my efforts in all my other hobbies. But, that’s the difference between obsession and hobby; the time, the effort, and depth one devotes to the hobby in question. But, I digress.

Lok at this (unprocessed photo) taken on January 14, 2019, while on my Panama cruise. For them interested, Latitude: 9:58:13.7, Longitude: 84:49:50.06. My altitude? It’s listed as 28.2 and I think it’s meters because I was on the balcony of our cabin on the Coral Princess and 28.2 feet is too low. I could be wrong, and it could be some other unit of measure.

Original (as shot) moon during the day (1:05 pm)

For them interested in the exact location . . .

Anyway, why am I mentioning all this and what the heck is Rupes Recta?

Fundamentalist Christians are likely revolted at the thought of something to do with one’s posterior. I mean, yes, to the uneducated it can definitively sound “dirty.” But, no.

You can read about it on THIS post from the blog I linked above. Or, THIS NASA article. Or THIS Astrobin entry. Or THIS LROC entry. Better yet, read them all.

As most people won’t read any of it, it’s a fault line in a crater of the moon that appears as a straight line. Few straight lines on the moon, I tell you. Oh, yeah . . . the name means “Straight Wall.”

Anyway, the post at Cosmic Focus had me wonder if I could see it in any of my many Moon photos. The feature is best seen when the terminator is nearby. No, not the T-800 from the movie; I mean the separation between light and shadow (daytime and nighttime) on the moon.

That’s because the fault line, like most features on the moon, are more easily observed when the light source (the Sun) is low in the horizon and thus protrusions cast shadows.

I stated with my January 2019 photos and searched forward to find the above photo. I rotated the photo 90º to put the moon in an attitude more familiar and consistent with photos presented later in this post. I then played with contrast, brightness, texture, sharpening, and structure to see if the above photo showed Rupes Recta.

I should mention . . . it’s usually only visible at about the 8th day of the lunar cycle and, despite the many moon photos I take, none were taken with an awareness of this feature and hence few were taken at a time to even have a chance of showing this feature.

These are the best processed versions of the above photo that hint at the feature’s presence.

The large box is a 4x enlargement of the smaller box with the arrows showing where Rupes Recta should be.

Given the original photo, these are highly processed but they hint at something being there.

But, yes . . . crappy evidence for me being able to capture the feature with my Nikon P900.

Still, I searched on through the remaining 2019 photos and on April 12th of this year . . .

Original, as captured on April 12, 2019, from a secret and undisclosed location

Rather than two photos, I put both highly processed version on the same photo.

One can see more than a hint of a feature that results in a straight shadow . . . but I was just a tad early. I mean, perhaps a straight shadow shows a straight feature, but it’s subjective.

Note, also, how the smaller craters form a face of sorts. I call it . . . the Rupes Recta Face.

Still, though, not very good. I then started with my February 2017 archives (when I purchased the P900) and looked at all the (many) moon photos I had to see if I had fortuitously captured a photo at the right time.

Dejected, I was, not one of the multiple hundreds of 2017 Moon photos were at the right time for the feature to show. Dang! . . . on to 2018 . . . and October 17, 2018, taken from Kailua Kona, Hawaiʻi . . .

Original taken with the Nikon P900 (hand-held) from Kailua Kona, October 17, 2019.

Let me crop that photo and change it to B&W.

Do you see it? Let me help you . . .

It really is a cute face.

Also, still impressed with the camera. I’ll now have to hunt for other features. Maybe I’ll see the Apollo 11 Lander that some people insist sits in an undisclosed Hollywood Studio.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at DisperserTracks.com, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


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18 thoughts on “I looked for Rupes Recta

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  1. Very appropriate to share since next month is the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.


  2. Thanks very much for linking my post Cosmic Focus. I’ve always believed that attribution where possible is very important. ☺
    I’m glad it got you interested in Rupe Recta – well done for tracking it down. That’s a great shot at the end!


    1. You are welcome. Your blog has a lot of interesting stuff and hopefully, others will find it so as well.

      That last shot was most fortuitous as I was about to give up hope of finding any suitable photo. I’ve been pleased with the P900 for lunar photographs. Not sure it’s suitable for other sky photos although some people have had luck with it.

      I used to have a 6″ Newtonian telescope when I lived in Michigan but did little observing with it (mostly because of the poor viewing conditions and a much busier life). Modern equipment looks a lot easier to use and better constructed. I never had any motorized accessories so finding stuff was an iffy deal and then tracking it for lengthier observation was practically impossible with the swivel base I had.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. By the way, if you followed me because I followed you, there’s no need. I post diverse stuff and people who subscribe based on one or two posts they might have read are often disappointed with the rest of the blog.

      I mean, thanks for following, but there’s no need or benefit unless you’re really interested in what I do.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is very interesting! I’m fascinated! I enjoy anything and everything about the moon!
    That IS a really cute face!
    Your moon photos are always spectacular, Emilio! (Maybe I should’ve said I’m over the moon when I look at your moon photos!)
    HUGS for you and Melisa! 🙂


    1. Thank you, Carolyn. My first appeal for the P900 was the ability to capture features of the Moon and it remains one of the things I really like about the camera. Whenever conditions are right (no clouds, low humidity, dark skies) I’m out there with it. I’ve only shared a few moon photos because many are done with no specific intent.

      I’ll now do a bit of research as far as capturing and identifying various features of the moon so that my photographing of it can be a bit more directed.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Back in my younger days, I was very familiar with “The Straight Wall” as it was a facinating feature at just the right phase of the moon. I too had a 6″ reflector, eventually upgrading to a 10″ back in the days when the skies were a lot clearer and darker.
    Regarding your link to Ggreybeard, I posted this, to him:
    “I found your site via Disperser this week. Look forward to your posts. Nice photos, nice equipment. I have seen several Saturn occultations, going back over the years, primarily doing manual “timeing” in a era when amateur observations were of value to the gathering of such data from diverse locations. One such time, I was out in the wee hours of the moirning when a high school friend of mine was walking across town to my home to see the event. He was closely followed by a local police cruiser – the officer wondering why was this this guy was walking the streets at 3 AM. When we showed him what we were doing, …and seeing, (and it was really impressive through my 6″ reflector as Saturn approached the moon,) a bond was forged between the suspicious officer and these otherwise questionalble, late night juveniles.
    M :-)”


    1. Thank you for duplicating the comment; I hadn’t commented on the post so I’m not subscribed to the comments on it (but I am subscribed to the blog).

      By far, the best nighttime observations of mine were in Colorado where, both because of the high altitude and low humidity, many nights were crystal clear. It also helped living on a ridge that afforded unobstructed views of a good chunk of the horizon.

      Here, Illinois, the terrain is kind-of flat but the bigger impediment to viewing are trees. Much like our house in Michigan, the trees limit the amount of sky one can see from ground level. On the other hand, a ten-minute ride gets me reasonably far away from intruding lights. We’ll see if my curiosity will be sufficiently awakened to dedicate more time to celestial explorations.


      1. How fortunate you were to have the clear sky conditions in CO. It’s only very rare now for me to see those glorious skies, and only on vacations. M:-(


    1. As mentioned above, I was and still am impressed with the camera despite its other limitations. It’s what had me look at the P1000 with as much interest (a 50% boost in the zooming capability) when considering what to buy. What stayed my hand was the size combined with the removal of the GPS function and the abysmal battery life.

      Ultimately, I opted to keep the P900 and add the D7500 (a decision I’ve not regretted). I plan to sell a few lenses and replace them with Nikon’s 200-500 mm lens as I think it will also be very serviceable (via cropping) to get detailed photos of the moon (and other stuff).


    1. Some say I came from the dark side but if so, I don’t remember what it looks like.

      As for seeing it, there are many photos on the web proving Pink Floyd’s statement . . . there is no dark side of the moon.

      Liked by 1 person

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