Project 313 – Post No. 064

As previously predicted, readership has fallen off considerably on Project 313 posts. I might get the occasional view because of an interesting photo but, even so, I’m certain most people only give it a casual glance. As usual, too much of any one thing earns people’s indifference. That’s the problem I saw with most 365 projects and 313 is not that much better.

It could also be due to my propensity to engage in what I call “out write thinking” — it’s like out loud thinking, only in written form. This out writing usually leans toward the serious. This is a recent thing. Could be I’m finally growing up or the state of the world has gotten to the point one can no longer turn a blind eye to.

I used to be fairly decent at writing funny stuff. This, of course, is just my opinion. In fact, people who’ve expressed the exact opposite sentiment — that I’m just not funny — can be easily found in great numbers and in nearly all continents (I don’t think any of my readers go to Antartica). 

I maintain failure to find and recognize my humor just means stuff flies over most people’s heads. I don’t mean that they are dumb . . . I mean that I’m so weird and odd that even people who know me find it difficult to distinguish between my jokes and plain inane mumblings. 

There’s an Italian saying that goes like this: “il riso abbonda sulla bocca degli stolti” which roughly translates into “laughter abounds in the mouths of fools” . . . I think the saying originated from people watching Jerry Lewis movies. 

Regardless, that was sort of ingrained into my young impressionable mind and I spent the first 30 years of my life trying to be as serious as I could possibly be. If I absolutely had to laugh, I made sure my smile wouldn’t be considered abundant. 

It wasn’t until February 29, 1984, that I came to a profound realization. My exact words were:

Screw this!” which roughly translates into Italian as . . . wait; that can’t be right. They have it as “al diavolo questo” which is closer to “the hell with this” . . . hmm; while appropriate, I sense some censorship happening. I think a more correct — if a bit coarser — translation is “fotta questo!” 

Anyway, since then, I paid no mind to anything but my own assessment of what’s funny and what isn’t. As it turns out, I find humor in nearly everything and sometimes even inappropriately. I don’t know if this is me making up for lost time or if my mind has always been like that. I suspect the latter; I go out of my way in giving my mind lots and lots of latitude when it comes to finding humor in any situation. 

Like everything else, once one practices long enough, it becomes more of a reflex than a voluntary act. I’m told I’m quick with comebacks and irreverent observations. It could be a part of me is ready to pounce on anything and everything with the sole purpose of extracting any and all humor out of any and all situations, even if it’s just a small drop. Some might mistake this as me wanting to play the clown and/or garnish attention.  

Nope! I’m just entertaining myself; them who care to can follow me and the rest are welcome to stand around and point at the laughing fool; he won’t care one way or the other. 

And now, the photo:

Project 313 064

This is another “mural” on the side of a shipping container. I put it through a Topaz treatment and it’s showing me how easily even a mere hint of a design can convey the intended representation. Certainly, I’ve never seen any owls of that color.

This is yet another thing I’ll try and duplicate when I’m doodling. I suspect it’s not as haphazard or simple as it looks, but I’ll give it a go.

Many Mr. Boffo strips deal with depictions of both hell and heaven. It’s a cold day in one of those two places when I don’t find them funny.

Once again, I marvel at just how few lines are used to convey images and scenes . . . I really want to master that so that I can draw my own strip. Of course, my strip might be like the famous “Cow Tools” Far Side cartoon . . . the one that was written up because no one got its meaning.

As I mentioned above, I’m already primed to the response of “What Was That?” to the majority of my jokes and most of my humor.

What Was That?

And . . . that’s it

Some of these posts will likely be longer as the mood hits me, but most will be thus; short, uninteresting, bland, and relentless.

You can read about Project 313 HERE.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


Please, if you are considering bestowing me recognition beyond commenting below, refrain from doing so.  I will decline blogger-to-blogger awards.   I appreciate the intent behind it, but I prefer a comment thanking me for turning you away from a life of crime, religion, or making you a better person in some other way.  That would mean something to me.

If you wish to know more, please read below.

About awards: Blogger Awards
About “likes”:   Of “Likes”, Subscriptions, and Stuff

Note: to those who may click on “like”, or rate the post; if you do not hear from me, know that I am sincerely appreciative, and I thank you for noticing what I do.

. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

Finally, if you interpret anything on this blog as me asking or wanting pity, sympathy, or complaining about my life, or asking for help and advice, know you’re likely missing my subtle mix of irony, sarcasm, and humor.

14 thoughts on “Project 313 – Post No. 064

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    1. I’ve not perceived any change in my rate of descent but admit that an outside observer may have a different frame of reference from which to judge any reduction in my altitude.


  1. Humour can be difficult to communicate effectively. I have stories that I know are funny when I tell them verbally but I do not have the skills to write them up and still make them sound funny!


    1. I think trying to be funny seldom works. It has to come naturally, arise out of what one is communicating. It helps if it relates to common experiences, especially involving frustrations we all encounter and can easily recognize when described.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Funny can sometimes be hard to communicate on a computer screen. I know, I’ve laid some eggs, dropped some bombs, on/in my blog-posts. Ha. 😀 Mostly, when I try to be a funny blogger, I do it just to amuse myself. And I’m always amazed when anyone else “gets” my weird sense of humor. I’ve cut w-a-y back on my inappropriate humor and my naughty humor over the years. Some might say I’ve grown up. Not. I’ve just learned to be a bit tactful. 😀

    Just keep being YOU! Say what you want to say! Blog what you want to blog! You are a great balance of funny and serious. You are intelligent and are able to articulate your thoughts very well. Your blog is always great…and I think it is always meaningful!

    PHOTO: Love this one! Because it’s an owl…and it’s colorful…and mural-y!!!
    CARTOON: HA! 😀
    DOODLE: Excellent doodle to doodle your point!

    HUGS!!! 🙂


    1. Well, that’s some high praise. I’m not sure how to respond . . . I kind of feel pressure to say something both funny and deep . . . aargh! Sorry; I got nothing.

      I’ll probably do a post with the actual photo of that owl plus a few more that are from the same shipping container. As for the doodle, it’s a recreation of something I drew and sent as a text to someone who — amazingly enough — missed the humor in something I said.

      Thanks, Carolyn.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. When someone talks about “funny” I remember the old-time movies of Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy. Then there’s the Peter Sellers movies of the 1960s. Do you remember the one called The Party? I still remember my stomach hurting from laughing so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen The Party but I’ve enjoyed many of Peter Seller’s movies. More his earlier works than his later efforts, but all worth a good belly laugh.

      I thought The Party was more of a drama than a comedy, hence why I never bothered with it.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A couple of comments.
    I didn’t start reading your blog until you started the 313 thing.
    You seem to be a transparent person – maybe transparent is too far, more like honest – which there is no way that could be proven – you just sound that way.
    I need humor in my life and find it hard to incorporate it. I don’t like dirty jokes or making fun of a particular person. I had a coworker who retired, omgosh she made my day with her quick wit and down-to-earthness.
    I like jokes that make fun of us as people, or of dogs as dogs, or cats as cats etc. Something we can all relate to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll take that as a great compliment . . . and in return, I’ll do a bit of self-promotion. These are all posts that have a bit (or a lot) of humor in them. Some are cartoons and some are writing and some are fiction writing.

      Don’t feel you have to read them; it’s just a suggestion. I realize people have their own lives to attend to and don’t always have the time for other stuff. These are in no particular order.

      Foray into LotR FanFic

      Photo and the Flash – No. 1

      Joe Martin – Willy ‘n Ethel

      Haiku – Not The Poem

      Sunday With My Thoughts – Just Stuff


      I be alive and well

      Just Vegging

      This next one is one of my longest posts ever and has a bit of humor in it . . . but mostly photos. I include it here much like restaurants offer stale mints as you leave.

      One Day in Photos

      By the way, there’s lots more humor sprinkled throughout the blog, but some serious stuff too; if you go ‘sploring, tread carefully.

      Liked by 1 person

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