Project 313 – Post No. 053

Regal. I’ve heard — and read — that word a fair amount lately. Enough that I got to wondering what exactly constitutes regal. 

The definition is kind of vague . . . and tautological. Royal, befitting a monarch, resembling a queen or king. 

These are from the best dictionaries in the world. Some of the lesser known dictionaries are a bit more helpful . . . magnificent, splendid, stately . . . but that’s also not very helpful. I mean, if I take all of those definitions and examine them, they either relate to how one looks — basically, the suit makes the man (or dress makes the woman) — or to an accident of birth. 

I suppose that’s enough for some people. I’m impressed by neither. In fact, I’m the opposite of impressed; the term regal doesn’t seem to speak to character at all. Like, it doesn’t mention honor, wisdom, honesty . . . you know; stuff I consider important. 

One online dictionary mentioned dignity. But, that term is not owned by any given station in life. I’ve seen people with dignity in all social and economic strata . . . except, at the top. 

You see, that’s the thing; the reason I’m not impressed with titles; the reason people flaunting titles receive so little respect from me . . . it’s because so many don’t live up to the title other than in appearances.  

And that’s not worth (a commoner’s) spit. 

And now, the photo

Project 313 053

That’s a nice piece of wood and I almost processed it in color, but then I had this wild impulse to go B&W. 

Not sure why. Perhaps because the color version looked a little fake. Yes, I know it’s decorative, but still . . . 

Once I saw it in B&W — something I did on a whim — there was no question of using the color version. 

And now, the cartoon . . . 

We — Melisa and me — play “last piece” at our home . . . except Melisa plays to lose. She will absolutely not eat the last piece of anything. I have to believe that if I left a piece composed of a single atom, we’d have a nuclear explosion in our hands. And, no, I’m not prepared to test that. 

I pulled up a bunch of doodles I did some time ago. Not saying they are great, but I hope to make up for the lack of greatness by giving them unique and memorable names . . . this one is . . . Constipation – Not Pretty But Colorful.

Constipation – Not Pretty But Colorful

And . . . that’s it

Some of these posts will likely be longer as the mood hits me, but most will be thus; short, uninteresting, bland, and relentless.

You can read about Project 313 HERE.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

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9 thoughts on “Project 313 – Post No. 053

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  1. I can’t understand why you didn’t come to me with this thing thats troubling you.

    I suspect you have a deep longing to resurrect your family heritage, and take your place with the ‘nobility’ of Italy, by becoming Il Duc d’Alise .
    Then perhaps you could have a Spam luncheon, with HRH, the Duchess of Sussex;and discuss your problem Ha! HUGS


    1. Not sure why you’d think it’s troubling me . . . I am, in fact, very clear on the subject of royalty.

      Should I have the misfortune of the D’Alise clan tracking me down and wanting to confer upon me some sort of title, I would politely decline. Hypothetically, had I been born into a royal family — and assuming I was the same person I am now — I would distance myself from the title and turn my back on the lot.

      However, I would willingly sit with almost any royalty and share a Spam sandwich. Not sure about the Duchess of Sussex or any of England’s royalty. I would likely opt for some of the less-into-themselves monarchs . . . I’d opt for monarchs from some of the Nordic countries, perhaps.


      1. My interest is purely academic . . . I’d want to know how they manage to remain grounded while other monarchs think highly of themselves.


    1. I think they come from the same origin but executed in wood. You can see lots of different versions in the souvenir shops around the islands. I don’t know if they mean more to the native populations or the tourists. Perhaps, both.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe to both. I have another design of charm from NZ for myself. I will look forward to having a chance to visit Hawaii one day to see those beautiful charms.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, I think about such things…and I think character is more important than titles. One of the most dignified, regal, honorable people I ever met was a 90 year old African American woman I met in 1991. She grew up very poor and, yet, was the most queenly woman I’ve ever met.

    PHOTO: In B&W it highlights such great textures and the natural designs in the wood!
    CARTOON: HA! 😀 I always push the last piece of any food onto someone else!
    DOODLE! HA! Love this! The drawing AND it’s title!

    HUGS!!! 🙂


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