NaNoWriMo No. 3

Fair notice: This post contains MANY links to previous works of mine. I’m not expecting anyone to click on them all (or any) but know some of the links are password-protected. If you want to read them, leave a note below or e-mail me for the password.

The beauty with NaNoWriMo novels is they come with a built-in title (NaNoWriMo No. 1, NaNoWriMo No. 2), no title anxiety required.

As I contemplate doing NaNoWriMo No. 3, I think back to 2012 and all the reasons NOT to NaNoWrite. Then, come 2013 and no longer saddled with a job, I jumped in.

A lot of fun, it was, so in I jumped again in 2014.

So, how did those two go? First, let me say I am a fast writer, or so I’ve been told. I should be able to easily do 50K+ words in a single month.

But, as mentioned HERE, I missed the word count the first year.

2012 NaNoWriMo

In my defense, we traveled the last 11 days of November, visiting friends and Disney in Florida. At the time we left, I was pretty much on track and foolishly thought I could make it. I fell woefully short. The novel was not finished until the following year. Last year, 2014, I made sure I would get a good jump on it.

2013 NaNoWriMo

Notice I was never behind the schedule. By November 30th I had a 5K word surplus. The novel eventually hit the 70K words range. The first five chapters of the novel comprised my submission to Viable Paradise.

In case anyone is wondering, I don’t change plot, structure, or characters when I edit. I fix stupid errors and tighten sentences. What I submitted is pretty much what I wrote on the fly. As a discovery writer, the initial stuff is very close to the finished product (minus, hopefully, stupid grammar mistakes).

I like both novels and have read them often. You can read the final thoughts on NaNoWriMo No. 2 HERE. That post talks a bit more about my writing process.

By the way, last year some readers asked me about the progress spreadsheet. I opted to provide a blank one for them interested (HERE). Understand, it is a primarily a tool for my own use. I am sure there are better word counters out there.

I try to have fun with my projects, thus I also played with Cover art concepts for the two novels HERE.


Now, here we are, November 1, 2015. Per my usual, I’ve not written, plotted, outlined, or even decided on anything yet. Someone just told me I should finish the stuff I have open. By finish, they mean write novels based on those ideas, characters, and current plots.

Let me do a quick review of stuff I originally started with the intention of eventually expanding into novels. Here they are in no particular order.

Well, some order; the first thing is an ongoing novel I started in 2005 (read about it HERE). Since it’s not finished and it appears on my blog, this has no chance of getting published unless I do it myself.

My first dragon story (HERE) Unspoiled Offerings: This has the potential for a much longer arc, and have come close to picking it up again. The only thing that held me back is that I thought the concept might be a bit overdone. I won’t discuss it further because it would ruin the story for anyone wanting to read it.

My second dragon storyline (HERE andHERE) Ancient My Love: were I to continue any of my open stories, this is a strong contender.

My Designated story (about magic and stuff). There are three installments HERE, HERE, and HERE: I like this plot and have ideas on moving it forward. It makes this also a strong contender for NNWM3.

My  elfen offerings (the Medoran History stories) HERE and HERE: These are complete offerings but can easily be expanded to a larger arc (after all, they have ‘History’ in the titles). I like the character dynamics a whole lot, and the concept of half-breed elves/humans and elves/orcs holds my interest.

All of the above are things I could easily expand. Also, things I’ve since closed (by writing a short story) could be expanded, namely The Shirt, Nancy, Shift, Timeline, and Hens (and I’m leaving a few out – N.E.O., Observed (not yet closed)).

Not that many new readers would bother, but some of those are password protected. If interested, comment or e-mail me requesting the password.

My strongest contender for a novel is probably my The Blood concept. Torin is the first character introduced with his backstory setting up the world.

There are probably more ideas I set up in short stories and that I have now forgotten.

Of course, I liked last year’s NNWM novel about Hybrids and Mechs. Some might remember I had another contender (HERE), but it seems too similar to last year’s.

So, after all that, what am I going with?

Beats me. I’ll start typing later on tonight or tomorrow. We’ll find out together.

And now, a photo . . . three, actually, all variations of a frost pattern on a window.



12193_MISC_021409_3-Processed-Processed-2_DIGIThat’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

8 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo No. 3

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  1. I wouldn’t mind going back to any of your stories, including the hybrid/mechs one from last year, which I really liked. But you should choose something that gets you really excited. You’re the one who will be living with it for a month, If you get excited about a story… or even a character…., so will we.


    1. Day two and inspiration as yet to strike me. I’ll have to resort to my failsafe . . . sit at a keyboard and type up a scene . . . then see where it leads me.


  2. That frost on the window is a work of art! Wow! Glad you captured it in photos! 🙂
    Have you figured out what you are going with?! Good luck as inspiration strikes and you write! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂


  3. Wow, it’s almost TOO perfect to be frost on the window, but I’ll take your word for it! As for your novels, well, here I am in February. I know I’ll enjoy whatever you’ve written.


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