
After many days of rain, the weather yesterday offered up a change . . . snow.

This next twenty seconds video is composed of two ten seconds videos shot scant minutes apart immediately after the rain went from big drops of water to big drops of snow.

The snow was very wet and heavy. The shrub you see at the left of the video frame was bent down nearly to the ground in less than a half hour. I went out twice during the next few hours to shake the snow from it and from as many of the trees I could get to.


I did that because hummingbirds use the shrub as shelter during bad late-season storms. Some might recall similar tales from previous years. I try to provide warm sugar solution until late in the evening, then I bring in the feeders and then put them out again before sunrise. I got up at 5:10am to get the feeders out, and then replaced them every hour or so as ice would start to form on them. We had at least four hummers making constant runs to them.

These shots are from yesterday afternoon.

By the way, this is what it looked like this morning.




I was really concerned for the Dogwoods trees out back. So far, it does not look like I lost any branches.

I did lose at least one branch of the bush outside my window (won’t know how bad it is until the snow melts), and I lost a big branch on one of the front Aspens.

BUT . . .

. . . this post is titled for the following.

Around 8:30pm, I went out to grab the feeders. The blizzard was in full swing, and the temperature was already in the mid-20s.

I opened the front door, and there, somewhat battered by the wind, a hummingbird was flying in circles within the confines of the front overhang. It may have been perched on the outside light or one of the ledges, but the wind was pretty fierce, and I don’t think he would have been able to find safe purchase. 

I think it just happened to be out there looking for shelter.

When I opened the inside door, the hummer started to fly at the glass of the screen door, hitting it two or three times. I opened the screen door and . . .


That is a hummer perched on the decorative (fake) poppies atop the island overhang in the kitchen.

I turned off the ceiling fan (it’s always running), grabbed a ladder, and put a feeder up there. We then closed all the doors and turned off all the lights. Melisa went to watch TV in the bedroom, and I went on the PC in my office.

I walked out a few times to check on him (it is a him), and for a couple of those visual checks, he was perched on the hanger for the feeder. The rest of the time, he was on one of the poppies.

I went to sleep listening to the fierce wind and worrying about my trees.

As I said, I got up early and put out the feeders. Hummer (that’s what I named him – original, I know) flew around as I moved about. I was not sure if he was eating, so I grabbed the ladder, retrieved the feeder, and set it on the table. Once the weather warmed up a bit, the plan was to leave the sliding door open (it’s right in front of the feeder) and have Hummer fly out.

Meanwhile, Hummer repeatedly tried feeding on the fake poppies. I tried not to laugh; I did not want to make him feel bad.

He even checked out the tomatoes (the yellow thing in the background is my ladder):



After he fed a few times, and around 8:00am, I opened the sliding door and climbed up the ladder both to dissuade him from staying perched up there and to get these videos. The second video is about 20 seconds long, and the bird is only there at the beginning and end.

Here he is at the feeder on the table and in front of the sliding door (when these were shot, the sliding door was closed).

Shortly thereafter, he flew out the open door.

. . . he looked like a community organizer . . . I’m expecting 20-30 hummingbirds to be waiting at the front door this evening when I go out to bring in the feeders.

The full-size photos are in THIS Smugmug album, but the quality is not optimum. However, them who are interested have the option to check them out.

That’s it. This post has ended . . . except for the stuff below.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

45 thoughts on “Unusual

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      1. Hmmm . . . I’m pretty sure there are a number of pence pieces . . . you’re assuming small change whereas I had some of them big boys in mind.


        1. I was already out there clearing my drive and then clearing my neighbor’s drive. I think I’ve had enough enjoyment for today.


        1. Speak to one, speak to all. We’re a loosely tight-knit group spread across the globe.

          FYI, I did make it to the rank of Lord with AB.

          FYI2, AB were people that came together under the Browncoats Flag. Balls and Bayonets Brigade, we served under. Got me my Amnesty Paper to prove it.


  1. Aw! OH! What a wonderful hummer story! And lovely photos and fun vids! 🙂
    Some years back I was in Colorado during Mother’s Day week with my youngest kid. And it snowed. I was so excited! My daughter not so much, as she was tired of snow by that time of the year. 😛
    I never tire of watching snow fall…and set to music…it was indeed lovely! 🙂
    We had storms and rain the past week, but no snow.
    HUGS!!! 🙂


  2. Amazing weather. We are having weather in the upper 20’s. Hummingbirds in the snow? Why don’t they come over here – I’d love some and they could feed on my poppies that are flowering in the garden at the moment. It would make a change from bees! Amelia


    1. They usually pass here around April and some stay. Hard to tell if these are continuing northward or not. Some of these hummers migrate all the way to Canada and repeat the downward journey in late fall (also getting caught in blizzards then).
      As for the weather, as explained below, it’s not unusual for us around this time of year.

      What is unusual is warmer weather in March and April causing trees and shrubs to bring out their leaves earlier than usual. These heavy snows do a lot of damage to the vegetation. I’m pretty sure my daffodils and tulips are gonners.

      If I could send these little jewels all over the world, I would.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks . . . you’re the second person mentioning how surprising and lovely this post was . . . makes me wonder if the rest of what I do is mundane, depressing, and unlovely,

      I linked to my SmugMug hummingbird photos in a post below. If you like hummingbirds you might want to give it a go. Plus, the hummingbirds videos in these posts:

      Hummingbirds 2014 – The Videos – 01

      Hummers Wars 2013 – Part I

      A S-l-o-o-w Hummers Post . . . .

      and a video of hummers landing on my hand.

      A Quick Hummers Post . . . .


      1. I’ll take a look on a break. I think it is the combination and a slight difference in style. The snow pix are good and so tranquil, the bird is cutissimo, the videos are suitably short but capture the flight, and it’s just a nice fuzzy different feel-good story compared with writing, photos, analysis. Variety is good.


  3. Gorgeous photos and video ejd! I envy you hummingbirds, we’ve got nothing more exotic than Robins – which I believe have just been voted the UK’s favourite bird. And devoted as I am to them…

    I can’t believe you’ve got a blizzard at this time of year! Are you high in mountains? (Or is it just medicinal 😉 )


    1. Thank you.

      Not to sound all snotty and such, but those, while interesting and cute, are fairly mediocre photos made interesting by the setting. If you want to see better hummingbird photos and videos you can do a search for “Hummingbird” on the blog.

      Or, you can go to SmugMug (http://ejdalise.smugmug.com/search/?q=hummingbird&c=photos&scope=node&scopeValue=Jst8v)

      As for the weather, yes, we are at higher elevations, although not mountains per se ( we live at an elevation of 7,300 feet). It’s not unusual for us to get May snow, even as late as the end of May. It’s where we get most of our water from; good spring snow and rains help fill the reservoirs.

      However, we on the Palmer Divide, and that messes with the weather patterns a bit . . . meaning we occasionally get hit with more snow that areas just a few miles away.

      As for medicinal, I’m fortunate enough to not require any regular medicinal intervention, but even if I did, I’ve never heard of it triggering late season blizzards . . . I’ll have to look into it. If someone around here is doing that, I aim to take them out.


    1. Have you read some of my opinions?

      Besides, were it truly of gold, I’d have ripped out and sold it to buy more and deadlier guns.

      Seriously, thank you. I’m actually of two minds about getting involved. On the one hand, they are adapted to the changing conditions, and they have been migrating for much longer than I’ve been alive. I’m somewhat interfering with nature.

      On the other hand, humans interfere in many and more damaging ways . . . perhaps I’m just tilting the scales slightly back toward balance.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. thank you Emilio for helping that little bird..i would have done the same,hoping the cats didn’t eat him.


    1. That might not have been good unless you could have confined him in his own room (or locked up the cats). Hummers move around a lot and when tired they do drop down.

      His risk outside would have been less than inside. They are actually pretty well adapted for cold weather. If we’re remain here I’m thinking of putting up some wires in sheltered areas like under the deck and some of the larger eaves.


  5. I’m sure Hummer said goodbye in Hummerese and probably left you a gift or two you’ve yet to discover. Heart-warming all the way through! Just what I needed on this morning. Mille grazie!


  6. We had similar snow up here in Thornton, but not as much accumulation. I was really worried about my trees, but didn’t see any damage in my part of town.

    Poor little hummer must have been so confused. Glad he found you before somebody or something else found him.


    1. I did end up losing a number of branches on the Dogwoods and there was minor damage on some of the shrubs. We live on the Palmer Divide and we got more than even a mile away.

      As for the hummer, I doubt anyone or anything else would have bothered him . . . it was pretty nasty out there.


      1. That only works for snow . . . we’ve been watching thunderstorms split and go around us all day long.

        I can literally see sheets of falling rain go by us less than a quarter mile away both to the East and West . Fortunately, the ground is still soaked from the snow.


        1. You either come from good stock of a hearty breed (either that or your just plumb crazy) to live under those conditions that’s all I have to say; you’re welcome to it give me the sunshine everyday. (almost added of your smile but you don’t go for smilies do you ?)


        2. This was the first year we were here . . . before we bought a snowblower. That’s Melisa shoveling, throwing snow over her shoulder.

          We could only clear half the drive . . .


        3. and to think some people actually like that stuff! I recall growing up in England and it did snow some years, not every year (something to do with the Gulf Stream Drift) looked really nice ’til it started melting and turned into grey slush. You can keep it! 😛


  7. By the bye I’m pleased to see that your better half was doing the light work, as is right and proper and that you were busily engaged with your camera doing the real work


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