Hummingbirds enjoying Spring




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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

11 thoughts on “Hummingbirds enjoying Spring

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    1. I hope so . . . it’s supposed to get down to 20deg overnight.

      I’m changing the solution every few hours, so that’ll hopefully help. I’ll also get up early to put the feeders up again before dawn (I’m pulling them in overnight).

      I offered to put them up overnight, but my humming and chirping apparently was badly translated because one of them slapped me, and went off in a huff.


    1. We’ve been replacing the feeders every fee hours, and for the last two mornings I’ve gotten up between 4:30 and 5:00 to put out feeders before they come out of their overnight torpor (temperatures overnight have been dropping into the mid 20s).

      I’m hoping most of them make it.


      1. We had the same thing happen a couple of years ago in Nevada. They didn’t make it. It took a couple of years for the hummers to come back. Hoping for the best for yours.


    1. Well, they were not marked, but each morning after we had some there. Might or might not have been the same ones.

      We had hard freezes for three nights running, so I was pulling the feeders after dark, and putting them out again before dawn (and rotating them every few hours).

      Hopefully I helped a bit, and hopefully they all survived the low 20’s temperatures.


    1. No, we were really concerned for them. Some species can weather colder temperatures better than others, but these broadtailed hummingbirds are “rated” at the middle to upper 20s (F). We had two nights where the temperature dropped to the low 20s. I was afraid that once the snow would melt I would find little bodies beneath the shrubs (were they were finding shelter), but none were seen, so I am hoping they all made it.


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