Thoughts on Blogging

From WordPress (September 2013 Hot List), during the month of September on WordPress alone there were 1,369,067 new blogs created, or an average of 45,636 each day. That’s blogs, not posts. And that’s just WordPress. There are other blogging platform out there.

On WordPress, there were 35,282,026 posts for September, and October saw the publishing of “36,311,289 posts, with a collective word count of 9,036,553,158 (yes, that’s over nine billion). If each post took two minutes to read, it would still take you 138 years to plough through them.

Soaking those numbers in, here’s what I get  . . .

“That’s a lot of content, Bob.”

“No excrement, Sherlock; did you work that out all on your own?”

“No; I read it.”

There is a lot of competition out there for people’s time and interest, even discounting YouTube, Facebook, and other popular social sites. Just looking at blogging on its own, your individual entry is going to be buried in a literal sea of entries by people all hoping to get a piece of that same time and attention.

Over the last year the number of subscribers to my blog have more than doubled (373 as I write this), and yet the traffic to the blog has dropped off quite a lot. It could be an increasing number of blogs are competing for a limited number of readers, or it could be I suck more than I used to.

I’m lucky to get 20 readers a day, and that’s only on the days I post something. I have not worked out the numbers, but my average is between 10 and 15 people a day stopping by. These are probably subscribers clicking on an e-mail link.  I get an additional 10 to 20 reads which are either a person reading more than one post (a good thing), or people using the reader and looking at a post without coming to the site (not as good a thing since they can’t see the whole post on the reader). 

Why the discrepancy between the increase in subscribers and actual visits to the blog?

I’m guessing here, but looking at their profiles, some subscribers are new bloggers who chance on my stuff right after they have created their blog (and right after I publish a post), and are not yet discerning about subscribing (they subscribe to the first things they see, and then realize there is better stuff out there). New subscribers have no idea just how much content is out there, but quickly learn to be more selective with their “follows”. After all, few people have 138 years to spare each month.

A number of new subscribers are people who have things to sell, and are using the “follow” option as a way to advertise. They follow blogs all over the place, but they rarely participate (a ‘like’ on a nothing post, while ignoring stuff with real effort behind it), and only occasionally drop by to remind me they are still selling stuff.

I always check out my new subscribers to see if I’m interested in reciprocating, and a good portion fall in those two categories . . . they are either trying to build their own circulation in connection with a product, or they are brand-spanking-new bloggers. In either case, once they subscribe, they go on to bigger and better things.

There are a few established bloggers who subscribe, and then I never hear from again. Don’t have an answer for those.

Of course it could also be people subscribe to my blog before realizing what they are getting into. Some may be religious/spiritual folks who don’t take the time to find out my views before subscribing. Others may object to other views I hold, but still, that does not explain why they don’t unsubscribe once they get to know the “real” me.

A hint about evaluating people who subscribe to your blog, and if you want to follow them back; if they are following more than 100 other people, it’s pretty much guaranteed you are not going to have any interaction with them.  Some have thousands of followers, and they themselves follow multiple hundreds of blogs.

Large numbers of followers might mean there is something of value to what they post, but more often than not I cannot account for their popularity. Regardless, if you chose to follow them, don’t expect to be noticed.

This is also valid for Twitter and Facebook followers and friends. 

“So, where are you going with all this?” 

Heck if I know . . . I’m battling a fierce sore throat, and thought writing a post might take my mind off of the severe pain whenever I swallow.

Tell you what, how about I comment about the blogs I do follow (61, as of this writing)? 

I mentioned before I do not follow expecting to be followed in return, and that still holds (an acquired taste, I am). The blogs I follow fall into the following categories:

Some are the ever-popular picture-a-day blogs. I follow very few of these; if I just wanted to see photos, I would do a search on Google Images. If I want to see outstanding photos, I browse SmugMug (I often say I’m not a great, or even good, photographer – this is not false modesty; go check out some of the sites in SmugMug to get some perspective). The ones I do follow I do so not because of technical excellence, although that’s often present, or because they give me ideas for my own photography, although that is also often the case, but because there is a rapport  with the bloggers . . . we kid, laugh, make comments, interact on a level beyond the photo itself. If it was to only look at the photos . . . as I said, lots of places to do so.

Some are semi-instructional sites. This is of general interest to me even as I am a reluctant student. I much prefer to discover stuff on my own as opposed to be shown what others are doing. The posts dealing with equipment, techniques, software, etc. are what draw my interest. Also posts of places I might visit, or similar to places I might visit. Travel photography, if you will. A very small number are of people who consistently provide amazing photos.

My favorite photography posts are those with a narrative. Perhaps because I tend to add a story to my photos, I appreciate when others do so. My post on taking photos mentions the Grandfather Effect, whereas how much one likes a photo is tied to personal experiences. Similar to the Grandfather Effect, some people can tie a narrative to a photo in such a way as to transcend the photo itself. They attach your emotion to their photo, and it becomes memorable. Two recent examples worth reading: from Scott’s Place and Alien Heartbeat. I still think about the little girl in the Khmu village, especially after seeing so many kids at Disney’s World Resort this past week. 

I don’t follow as many writing blogs as one might think given that I like both reading and writing. I follow a couple of blogs that deal with the realities of publishing (just to remind me how unlikely it is that I will ever publish anything), and a couple of blogs on the mechanics and tools of writing. I also follow a couple of writers, but there is no interaction with them as I am one of literally thousands of followers.

I follow very few blogs where the blog owner posts stories. I check out many such blogs, but the vast majority write stuff I consider either pretentious, or too depressing.  I have relatively narrow interests when it comes to reading (think Jim Butcher and John Scalzi), and I expect anything I read to be easily understood, fast-paced, and entertaining. Too many people want to write about the human tragedy . . . I got enough of that in real life, and don’t need it in my entertainment. Even the ones I do follow often wander into stories I have little interest in, but since I follow the blog, I force myself to read them (with the exceptions mentioned below).

Ultimately, I have my own ideas about writing, and evidence points to few people sharing my preferences (my writing pieces remain some of my least-read posts), so the writing blogs I follow are also few and far between.

Skepticism, Religion, Atheism, Rational Thinking:
I only follow a few of these. Some time ago I realized I don’t fall within the confines of general labels. Consequently, I end up being at odds with people who do identify fully with those labels. I used to enjoy the ensuing debates, but now they are just depressing. Blogs I do follow tend to have a narrow interest which aligns with what interest me. I have dropped a few if they crossed into areas that I no longer consider meriting discussion.

There are a few blogs I follow that do not fall in the above categories. They either have to do with interesting persons, or interesting subjects. 

“Wait a second, Bob; you have 373 followers, but you only follow 61? What’s up with that?!”

Hey! Wanna read about what keeps me from following blogs?

Here is my list of things that will keep me from following a blog, or dropping one I follow. 
– mentions of spirituality, karma, destiny, and the like  
– mentions of any deity as having an influence in one’s life
– mentions of science in a derogatory way
– questioning evidence for climate change
– condemning GMO (it’s the current fad, you see)
– denying evolution (just plain ignorant)
– saying “guns be bad” and should be banned (uninformed elitists and celebrities)
– blanket condemnation of Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians (you can slam the Greens all you want, for they be crazy).
– belief in UFO being Aliens, Bigfoot, the Moon Hoax, and most conspiracy theories
– documenting family matters (I always feel like I’m intruding)

That’s by no means a complete list, but you get the gist. If you fit into one of those, you might not want to follow my blog, and you definitely don’t want me following your blog.

There is one more thing with regards to following blogs . . . I may not seem it, but I am a very emphatic person (emphatic as in being able to experience empathy, although I can also be forceful and direct). Reading about bad things happening in someone’s life affects me in very negative ways, and the effect can last for days. I don’t mean stories like the Alien Heartbeats linked above. I mean personal stories of people going through tough times. I don’t understand why people share such things in a public forum, and I will quickly stop following such blogs.

Know that it’s not because I don’t care. It’s because it will sit in my mind for days, and be a burden on me, and I either need to walk away from it, or get involved.  Trust me on this; I can’t be in your support circle, and you don’t want me in your support circle.

Finally, here’s a few things I ask of people I follow, and for anyone wanting me to follow them (in addition to not doing the things mentioned above) . . . 

First, have the option for an e-mail subscription. I know I can follow via the reader, but I don’t like reading blog posts from the reader. I prefer to get a notice when you posted something, have a direct link to it, and come to your blog to read it.

This also goes for comments. If you have comments enabled, also enable the option to subscribe to replies. I don’t have the time to check back every day, or every other day, to see if you answered my comment. If you want a conversation with me, make it easy for it to occur.

Second, don’t change the theme every few weeks. If the content is not catching my interest, a different theme is not going to do the job. Besides, I like consistency.

Third, don’t ask to be followed. I consider it in poor taste. If you have good content, I will follow you whether you ask or not, and if you don’t have good content, no amount of asking will make me follow you.

Fourth, don’t expect me to acknowledge something you reblogged from someone else. I’m on your blog to get your opinion. If I wanted someone else’s opinion, I would go to their blog. Mind you, I recognize the desire to share something that moved you, affected you, and the like. If you do so, write about it; explain why it’s important to you. If all you are doing is reblogging, I will ignore that post since it’s not coming from you. Most often, but not always, I will ignore it regardless.

Fifth . . . please, please, please . . . do not follow me just because I follow you. If you are not going to give my posts the attention they deserve, if you don’t plan to interact, if you are just following to be polite . . . PLEASE. DO. NOT. FOLLOW. ME. BACK. PERIOD.

I mention that last thing because I am sure a number of followers are just that; followers out of a sense of obligation. Don’t be that person; I won’t like you for it.

Well, that’s it . . . did you make it all the way here? If so, know I am impressed.

. . . and my throat is still very sore.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o o o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hanging On
Hanging On

Astute persons might have noticed these doodles, and correctly surmised they hold some significance for me, and perhaps for humanity at large.  

If you click on the doodle, and nothing happens, this is the link it’s supposed to go to:


Note: if you are not reading this blog post at, know that it has been copied without permission, and likely is being used by someone with nefarious intention, like attracting you to a malware-infested website.  Could be they also torture small mammals.


Please, if you are considering bestowing me some recognition beyond commenting below, refrain from doing so.  I will decline nominations whereby one blogger bestows an award onto another blogger, or group of bloggers.   I appreciate the intent behind it, but I would much prefer a comment thanking me for turning you away from a life of crime, religion, or making you a better person in some other way.  That would actually mean something to me.

Should you still nominate me, I will strongly suspect you pulled my name at random, and that you are not, in fact, a reader of my blog.  If you wish to know more, please read below.

About awards: Blogger Awards          About “likes”:   Of “Likes”, Subscriptions, and Stuff

Note: to those who may click on “like”, or rate the post; if you do not personally hear from me, know that I am sincerely appreciative, and I thank you for noticing what I do.

. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

27 thoughts on “Thoughts on Blogging

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  1. Try gargling with some Dr. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar to knock that sore throat right out, honest it works!
    I personally use the reader right now, I find it the easiest.
    Being only three months into the scene I find the “Like this:” button to be the best quick way to let someone know I was there, maybe scanning, maybe reading in depth.
    Commenting is king for conversation though, really lets you know if someone is following your blog in earnest, right?


    1. Don’t know what readers you are using, but the ones I know of, Feely and the WordPress reader, don’t show the whole post.

      You have to come to the site to read the whole thing.

      I don’t mind the “like” as I use them myself, but often I get “likes” almost immediately upon posting. I don’t know if you noticed, but some of my posts are pretty long.

      Frankly, letting me know someone “was here” and was not interested in reading the post is not a plus for me.

      Now, I don’t need comments at every visit. I don’t comment myself on every visit. Sometimes there is nothing to say. BUT . . . a large percentage of followers never comment, and never “like”. I’m fairly certain they are not reading word one of what I write.

      I have a small core group of readers, and that is OK with me. I welcome the occasional straggler, but hold little hope to building a large following. Heck; I’m not even sure I want a large following. Where would I find the time to interact with them?

      I’m all out of Apple Cider Vinegar . . . would regular red wine vinegar work? Just kidding, but the idea of putting an acidic liquid on my very sensitive and sore throat hold little appeal for me.


  2. Like you, I have my own set of guidelines for following blogs and principle among them is good photography and writing, although the writing is very secondary. And who doesn’t like the LIKE button? It’s just crazy not to include one.
    I’m the last person you would want to take medical advice from but gargling with vinegar sounds like a desperate thing to do. No offence, Greg.


    1. You cut me, man; you cut me deep.

      “very secondary”? Not even just plain “secondary”? Man, that’s cold. To think of the effort I be putting into my writing!


      1. Oh stop! I wasn’t referring to you! My point is that I need to improve my photography skills and it’s just a high priority for me. I admire your photography and your blog is probably the best written that I currently subscribe to. Since my own writing skills suck, I really appreciate that. In addition, a sense of humor elevates the posts makes me look forward to them. So quit whining! Or is that the vinegar talking?


        1. Just my usual way to draw accolades . . . works like a charm every time!

          Actually, the above was strictly for humor. Humor is something I cannot pass up, especially when someone lobs me a soft one.

          AND . . . I got to use a line from Shrek!

          . . . and no, did not go the vinegar way. The summabirch throat still hurts like . . . well, like a summabirch.

          I can temporarily alleviate the pain by eating certain things (oatmeal, baked sweet potatoes, blackberry cobbler, cookies, honey, toast, apples, cheese, cheesecake, pies, corn chips, protein bars, acai covered in dark chocolate, and the like), but I can’t eat round-the-clock. I can also alleviate it by drinking water, tea, and chicken broth.

          But, if I’m not eating or drinking, it’s hurting. Luckily, the drinking and eating levels I mention are not far from my regular levels. So . . . still not happy, but managing.


  3. Take honey for the sore throat. Some say the dark stuff contains more minerals.

    I struggle to keep up with all my blog reading. Mostly I follow wildlife and beekeeping blogs with a lot of content and photos which takes time to appreciate properly. I don’t want to unsubscribe from them because they take me to a different place.

    Hope you won’t be offended if I say you are probably the most peculiar blogger I follow.


  4. I can’t help you with the sore throat. I usually use the old salt water gargle for some relief, but I usually just suffer through them. As for blogs, I was following nearly 300 at one time – and trying to keep up with them! I still follow over 100, but I don’t interact with all of them. When I unfollowed blogs, I made definite decisions about why or why not I would stick with someone. Your photography and the way you tell the stories of your travels delights me! I don’t always see all of your posts, but I’m here for the long haul.


    1. Yeah, I got the suffering part down pat. The gargling thing is of minimal help since it makes me gag.

      Throughout the years I’ve figured out very few medicines are as effective as one hopes.

      I’m sure I’m not the first to say it, but being sick is kind of a downer. I’m counting the days to either good health or death, and while I have a preference, I wish either scenario to play out as fast as possible; this lingering stuff is for the birds.


  5. I’ve come across the same thing. You look at my “followers” and then the number of “Likes” and you see a drastic difference. But, I know no matter, I know who is interested in the site and who isn’t and I’m the one that needs to know.


    1. I don’t pay attentions to followers or visits much, so I was surprised at the number (although I did notice I added 3 since this post).

      And yes, I’m mostly interested on those who interact, even if only occasionally.


  6. You’ve analyzed the peewaddins out of things again, as is your custom. I’ve not taken the time to examine it as you have, but I do check-out the stats every few days…and like you, I’ve found that my posts of just writing get the fewest visits, and certainly the fewest likes and comments.

    Thank you for the mention, Emilio…that particular post (by my guest writer) is a very good example of a writer’s words causing an emotional response to the photograph….as is the one by Alien Heartbeat…I can still see that little one’s eyes….


    1. Men do strange things when they have a sore throat, and the very acts of breathing and swallowing offer nothing but sharp pain.

      I analyze the peewaddins out of things . . .

      It’s not just posts about writing . . . it seems to me that if it requires a longer effort than 4.567 seconds to go through a post, most people give up. I don’t know if this is a function of our fast-paced society, or people just don’t have the mental capacity to engage in anything other than superficial drek.

      Then again, there is always the possibility my capacity to alienate friends and foes has a role in these trends.


  7. I recently hit the 500 mark on “followers.” The “likes” and comments belie that number. I’ve noticed the very same things you noted about the followers.

    I’m glad you were one of my early followers and glad you’ve stuck around!


  8. Wait…you blog?

    On numbers I have read every single (English) word written on WordPress. Phew are my arms tired. And don’t complain I only have two and a half followers, you’re one of them, I’ll let you decide which.


    1. I’ve been known on occasion, probably frustrated by my oft inability to speak well, to put a couple words down on this here blog. Some read them, and find them of great use; beacons on their paths through life, my words be.

      As for reading every word on WordPress . . . that’s some serious speed-reading skills!

      . . . how’s your comprehension skills? Do they keep up?

      As for following your blog, aside when you comment on local HK stuff, there be the occasional nugget of interest and, dare I say, insight into the human condition. We might not always agree on everything, but you are certainly someone worth keeping under survaila . . . er . . . someone worth following.


  9. Okay, I just read the entire post and each comment/answer and . . . I can’t think of a single thing to comment (even this took some effort to come up with). On to your next post . . .
    P.S. I prefer the colorful ones . . .


  10. I’ve had a wonderful time reading the comments to your post and laughed a lot. I haven’t heard the word “peewaddins” in years, much less seen it in print, and it was like a reunion with a fun, old friend. How can you not smile when someone says the word “peewaddins?”

    For some reason, I keep coming back to read your blog and comment and now I’m worried. Does that say more about me or you? Or are we both just connoisseurs of refined blogging?


    1. I don’t know that it says anything specific about either of us.

      Lots of people are drawn to train wrecks, have a morbid curiosity about accidents when they drive by them, pick at scabs . . . it’s that failing of human nature that brings people to my blog and have them coming back.


    1. Thanks and you are welcome. Strange to see people read a four-year-old post.

      Stranger still that I still get the same number of reads on an average day now as I did in 2013.


      1. Strange to get a reply to a comment from 2 months ago!
        WP statistics are a mystery to me. I keep adding content but the numbers remain static. It is difficult to generate interest in the back catalogue.


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