A Quick Hummers Post . . . .

I don’t have the time to edit them this evening, so, presented them as shot (remember to hit the HD if available on the upper right-hand corner of the video window), me and my hummers. 

For them interested, the first one is about 6-7 inches away.  The second one is a tad closer.  And yes, that is my hand; I was holding the phone with the other.  My neighbor was mowing the yard (8:30 in the evening!), so it mars the hummingbird sounds a tad.  

From one of the feeders in the front of the house . . .

And from one of the feeders on my deck (the action begins in earnest at about the minute mark; be patient) . . . .

I’ll try for better videos this weekend.

In case anyone is wondering, we are letting our lawn die off, planning to replace it with stuff that does not need as much water, like rocks.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

18 thoughts on “A Quick Hummers Post . . . .

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  1. I don’t know how I could contain myself with excitement if I had a hummingbird on my finger, especially if they were “my” hummingbirds. It would feel a bit like when I had to (ha, ha) take the grandchildren into the Lorikeets enclosure at the zoo to feed them sugar solution.


    1. Why did you have to take your grandchildren to a lorikeets enclosure to feed them sugar solution?

      Couldn’t they have drank it at home? Or are the parents really strict?


  2. Both mother and I made comments on how wonderful it would be to have hummers sitting on our fingers . . . must be an awesome sensation. Rather thrilling, I imagine.


  3. Seeing your hand there helps get a perspective on how small they actually are – unless you have freakishly large hands of course. But I’m fairly sure that’s not the case.


    1. They do call me “Ham-fisted Emilio”, but that’s got to do more with my debating style.

      As it happens, I have rather small hands, and no, that doesn’t mean anything.

      I can tell you that having them land on you is amazing, and that sometime, even when they are fully resting on the finger, you cannot tell there’s anything there other than you are looking right at them.

      Occasionally you do feel their tiny claws . . . as they rip through your flesh. OK, I made the last part up, but depending how they land, you can feel the claws more so than their weight.


      1. Hmm, be careful with your hands, maybe you should be wearing padded gloves. It would be tragic if your hands were injured and you were no longer able to take hummingbird photos for us.


  4. wow! you are the hummingbird whisperer! I see Calliope, Rufous, and Ruby-Throated here. very nice variety of visitors, and all so very well behaved!!

    as for the lawnmower in the background, it could just as well be the hummingbirds when they’re hovering 😀 😀 😀


    1. The best time to have them land is in the evening, just before sunset. They are interested in hitting the feeders before settling in for the evening, and they don’t pay much attention to me.


      1. haha … the same can’t be said of ours, although yes, evening is their preferred feeding time. sometimes they’ll show up early in the morning (or during midday, and that’s a real treat, because there’s sufficient light to capture them with).


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