Digital Lightroom Contest – Still Life Short List

Since I am not a finalist in the competition, I have no problem with asking my readers to partake in the voting at Digital Lightroom Still Life Contest – Short List.

I have cast my vote, but unlike the last contest, I decided not to give feedback.  I did not see anyone else giving any, so it felt presumptuous of me to do so.  Plus, I think I might have come off as a bit of a jerk (surprise!) when I gave feedback for the Movement and Motion contest short list.  

Not that I was trying to . . . I explained my selection process, and give my reasoning for each of the photos.

Now, here’s the interesting thing . . . I must have a different concept of still life than what the judges have; I thought only four photos qualified as meeting the theme.  Stretching it a bit, maybe two more.  Not to say the others were not good photos.   Quite the opposite.    Still, the photo I liked the best (but did not vote for) was not what I considered still life.

And yes, it may be that still life is a much broader category than I understand it to be.

Those are all amazing photos, and all are much better than my entries, so this is not a case of sour grapes (Hey!  . . . I should have done grapes!).  I know; no one believes me when I say so.  Oh well; the life of a misunderstood person would be a difficult one if they did not have a thick skin.

Anyway, click HERE, and cast your vote for whichever photo captures your imagination. 


Please, if you are considering bestowing me some recognition beyond commenting below, refrain from doing so.  I will decline nominations whereby one blogger bestows an award onto another blogger, or group of bloggers.   I appreciate the intent behind it, but I would much prefer a comment thanking me for turning you away from a life of crime, religion, or making you a better person in some other way.  That would actually mean something to me.

Should you still nominate me, I will strongly suspect you pulled my name at random, and that you are not, in fact, a reader of my blog.  If you wish to know more, please read below.

About awards: Blogger Awards          About “likes”:   Of “Likes”, Subscriptions, and Stuff

Note: to those who may click on “like”, or rate the post; if you do not personally hear from me, know that I am sincerely appreciative, and I thank you for noticing what I do.

. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

14 thoughts on “Digital Lightroom Contest – Still Life Short List

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  1. Yesterday I looked at each of the photos that made the short list and I, too, was surprised by some of them that, to me, do not really qualify as “still life”. I much prefer your selection of photos.


    1. . . . although you might be a tad biased. I do think the ones that were chosen and that do “qualify” as still life are better than mine, but it comes down to judging them as a photographer or as just someone who is looking.


  2. I agree with you and AnnMarie that there are at least 2 photos that don’t qualify as still life, at least not in the classical sense of what a still life is even though they are all very good photographs. I voted for “Bowl of Peppers” because it embodies the ideal still life in an aesthetically pleasing composition with a simple but interesting color balance. Technically, a photo like this looks easier to take than it really is.


    1. Interesting; that was my vote as well . . . doh! I wasn’t supposed to say anything.

      Some of the entries are from people who follow me, and that photo is not from one of them.


  3. I voted for the last photo, Late for the Party by John Smith. I don’t know much about how to judge if it’s technically the best, I just enjoyed the subject and how many different objects there were to look at. I also like the fish, peppers and peas.


  4. Happy to know I am in good company. I voted before reading all of your post and the comments here, and I, too, voted for the bowl of peppers. I loved the flower, but didn’t think that was still life at all. I always thought still life pertained to the arrangement of objects.


  5. Interesting coincidence . . . I must add that we (me, you and your followers) have similar taste since I voted for “Bowl of Peppers”, too!


  6. Just catching up here, and I do have to agree with you about the finalists. Fine photos all, but only two met the criteria that I understand still life to encompass.


    1. Yeah . . . and as much as I like the photo that won (and his work is very good and very striking), in my opinion it only marginally qualifies as still life.

      I suppose the theme is a loose suggestion, and then it’s whichever photo readers like, but still . . . .

      Not sure I’ll enter again because my primary reason to enter (win or lose) was with the hope to get feedback on the photos, but I’ll still promote the contest.


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