My May 9th Drive to Work

This morning, heading up Ute Pass, I noticed the traffic alert signs flashing the following.

“Rock Slide 5 Miles Ahead.  Right Lane Closed”

That’s right, last year’s fires have made the Waldo Canyon area subject to slides (rock and mud).  If interested you can watch this video from El Paso County (HERE).

While mildly concerned, I pushed on . . . and got my (phone) camera ready.  Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the phone had locked, and as the slide was on double tight corners, I was not able to unlock it with one hand, avoid the cop car and construction equipment, and negotiate the curves . . . so, no video of the slide.

BUT . . . as I passed Cascade, the rain began to give way to snow.  I was surprised since the forecast had not mentioned anything about snow.  Along with being surprised, I figured I could video part of my drive.  Note the change from rain to snow, and the corresponding change to the scenery.

(Note, these are available in HD; a much better viewing experience, and I must say I am rather pleased with the capture from my phone.  Even so, they were a bit shaky, so I had YouTube “stabilize” them  . . . hence the occasional strange motion.)

The above video are snippets from Cascade to the outskirts of Woodland Park.  For those who did not watch it, at the 1:30 min. mark I pass a snowplow.  It’s neat to see it launching the slush on an impressive arc.

Now, once I hit Woodland park proper, there was a lot more snow, so I videoed a bit more.

Now, I must disavow any notion I drove one-handed while holding my camera phone in front of me with the other hand.  Why, that would be, as my wife said in a disappointing tone, “not smart”.   

What I did was to . . .ahem . . . er . . . levitate!  That’s it!  I levitated the dang thing, controlling it with my mind while paying absolute attention to the condition of the slushy road (that’s the background noise you hear . . . slush hitting the bottom of the car).

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

If you enjoyed this moment, found it strange, or learned something about driving, feel free to share it.  However, if you hated the whole thing, were bored beyond belief, and consider it a waste of time . . . why, then, it’s the perfect thing to forward to people you do not like!  It will serve them right!  


Astute persons might have noticed these doodles, and correctly surmised they hold some significance for me, and perhaps for humanity at large.  If said astute person is curious about them, click on it for an explanation of their origin.

WordPress is still screwing around with trying to be a class operation.  As such, while they busily work to add features and themes I will never use, they are remiss in fixing problems like disappearing links.  So, if you click on the doodle, and nothing happens, this is the link it’s supposed to go to:  Note . . . there is no guarantee WordPress will keep this as a link, but at least you can copy it and paste it on a browser’s address field.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

11 thoughts on “My May 9th Drive to Work

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  1. I enjoyed both videos, particularly as it wasn’t me driving in the snow at this time of year. And congratulations on figuring out how to levitate your phone, which must be a very useful skill!


    1. Less than you might think . . . it kind-of freaks people out, and also you have to be careful when you go through door openings . . . but most of all, when walking in crowds. People don’t like being smacked in the head with floating phones.


  2. Good job of videotaping while driving. Maybe all the late snow you’re getting will help with fire season this year. We’ve pretty much had no moisture since December and everything is very dry. They’re predicting a very bad fire season here this year.


    1. “Videotaping while driving”? Whatever do you mean? I think most traffic cops would frown on that, and I certainly do not want to put any stress in their lives.

      As for the moisture . . . it helps, but we are still 25% or so below normal. We’ll see how wet our monsoon season is.


  3. Sorry, could only do about thirty seconds. I get motion sickness from these kinds of videos. I discovered that at a very tender age when watching “travelogue” movies at the drive-in.


    1. No worries; it’s not a masterpiece, or even close to a masterpiece. And there is no powerful message to capture the imagination.

      Sorry to hear about the motion sickness bit.


  4. A very entertaining blog . . . especially the comments/replies! Since I don’t travel much these days, ANY drive along a scenic route (even a virtual one) is welcome. Glad to read you’re only 25% under normal (moisture, that is) . . .


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