It’s like looking in a mirror . . .

I came across these videos, and I was impressed . . . mostly because it’s like looking in a mirror.  Like hearing an echo  . . .

Well . . . except this guy is not letting his anger show through.

First, a short intro (2:00 minutes) . . .

Honest, I feared I was the only one with a broad spectrum view.  In the past, I was a concurrent member of both the ACLU and the NRA (I let my memberships lapse for both).  I consider myself a patriot.  I read the works of the framers of the constitution, explaining not just the words, but what they believed in, and what motivated them.  Do I agree with everything?

No.  There are details one can debate.  But, the fundamentals . . . I have a strong antipathy for anyone who would challenge individual rights, for any reason.  I have a strong antipathy for anyone maintaining we have, as humans, fundamentally changed our drives and desires since those fundamentals were codified by our evolutionary progression.  I can read the writings of people who lived a thousand years ago, and they are indistinguishable from those of modern writers when it comes to what is important to a human being.

Second, a video about words and language and labels (6:30 minutes) . . .

I love words.  I know how they can be misused, and am not ashamed to say I use words for effect.  I use words for humor, but I also use words to control tone and pace a discussion.  I use words to lead people to desired conclusions.  Some have said I’m pretty good.

I am an amateur.  Listen to this video, and then think about all the labels you come across every day.  Labels to characterize people, things, or ideas.  I first became aware of this  nearly 30 years ago . . . pro-choice, pro-life.  Those two labels pull us by appealing to the very core of who we are . . . we want choices; to not want our freedom curtailed.  We certainly support life.   I could sit here, and to this day, 30 years after I came across the initial arguments, I could argue intelligently for either position.  Probably better than most.

Ultimately, as a voter, as a citizen, as a human, I can’t vacillate . . . I have to choose one position or the other.  The fact that I label myself “pro-choice” does not make me “anti-life”.  The decision is a difficult one, but it takes into account many different aspects of the debate, all of them well beyond the simplicity of the labels.

But, as the guy says in the video, labels are designed to divide us.  To separate people into overly-simplistic positions.  To make enemies of each other.   Labels have worked amazingly well.  Often, well enough to ensure no debate can take place.

Not just on the abortion issue, but in every issue, Americans are divided as never before.  We no longer have a discourse . . . we have enemies.  We use labels to marginalize and dehumanize people of opposing views, and to do so in such a manner that eventually we consider them not as fellow citizens, but as enemies.

That is where we are today.  If you do not believe it, go read/listen to either a liberal or conservative blog/podcast/radio-program/pundit/etc.  There is no need for anyone to explain what labels mean . . . say conservative or liberal, and you immediately have formulated a simplistic characterization of the person in question.

Except the odds are that you are wrong.  You are being played, you see . . . and the prize is your non-thinking brain.  Because non-thinking brains are best; they do not question.

And I admit I fail in that respect as well.  I like to think it’s because those labels are self-fulfilling, but I should know better.  And yet . . . it’s sad to see so many people who want to fit within those labels . . .

. . . maybe I’m just old and tired.

Finally, a video about numbers (6:36 seconds) . . .

Remember my last post?  I mentioned data.  He happens to mention the same sources I go to when I want to find out stuff for myself.  There are others, from different departments, and they sort the data in different ways.  For most instances, you can, for instance, find out why people were killed, who their assailant was, and what motivated or prompted the attack.

If you really dive into it, it paints a picture of crime that is very different than what is used to argue for this or that law.  But why do that, right?  Better we play with our iPhones, and let politicians tell us “how things are”, and consequently, “how we should live”.

I should note . . . I am not a conspiracy advocate.  I don’t have to be.  I fall back on good ole human nature and know that without oversight, every politician, every person given even a smidgen of power will use their position to further their own interests, even if those interests go against the common good. (Check the financial of prominent elected officials against their pay . . . weird, huh?  How can they amass such large fortunes on a government’s salary?)

Do they just do bad?  No, of course not!

There is a lot of good that is done . . . when people pay attention.

So, pay attention.


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. . .  my FP ward  . . . chieken shit.

8 thoughts on “It’s like looking in a mirror . . .

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  1. He makes some great points. I hate how we are so divided. I have very very strong beliefs on many different issues. I just feel that fighting among ourselves will get us nowhere.


    1. Sadly, I don’t see anything, including the current discussions, pointing to anything changing anytime soon. If anything, it’s about to get worse.

      That’s just my opinion based on the emboldening of people in power by the fact they are not facing elections anytime soon.


  2. I’m late to the party so I’m very surprised at the low number of attendees . . . meaning that after coming to this post more than a month after it was posted I find myself asking, “Where IS everybody?”

    Both of the videos are excellent food for thought (is that a label?) but more than that they inspire curiosity . . . which is another label for anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking. In other words I was stimulated to contemplate this new information and, having found that it resonated with my core beliefs (via my feelings), I then pronounced myself in agreement with those statements.

    About then years ago during a short excursion on a ferry boat in Italy I got first hand experience with the exaggerations of the media. On the return trip, as the small ferry boat was leaving the dock, a group of young men began to throw eggs a the boat. Since about half of the 30 or so passengers were on deck, a few became targets. Once the captain realized what was happening, he immediately “floored it” (?) and put as much distance between the dock and us as possible. On the following day we had made the front page of several local papers as the headlines shouted “Ferry boat passengers injured by rocks and bottles thrown by teens!”

    ROCKS!?! BOTTLES!?! When? Where? Not at this ferry boat and its passengers . . . just the eggs, ma’am . . .

    So there we have it.


    1. I’ve had a drop in readership (even as I have increased subscriptions).

      In part, I think because people don’t have time. In part it’s because I sometime write opinions (and people don’t like that much). In part it’s because I am posting longer, more involved offerings . . . and people don’t have the time, nor the inclination to actually read. And finally, because I post more fiction . . . and few people read, preferring instead posts with one or two photos of cats or dogs (I’m going to test that out shortly).

      And yeah, other than generalities, I don’t trust the news a whole lot. They seem more focused on sensationalism than actual news reporting.


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